Wednesday, April 23, 2008

omg~~ my wisdom tooth starts to give me signal~~

haha..Ever since two weeks ago, i had been eating quite gd food plus quite enjoyable life~~~

On the 10th, i went to a jap resturant located at Grand Plaza Hotel. The ramen there is bagus~ But pretty ex, without any sashimi, the bill come up to $230 plus for 6 persons. By right, is a treat from my cousin but ended up they spilt the bill excluding me~~ hehee.. not bad hor~~ but hor~~ it means my upcoming meal will be much more ex.. haha.. ok lah~~ my cousins they all seldom bully me de.. cos so called i as earning power not as strong as anyone there.. :P

11th, i went to have spagetties at IMM.. As usual, i had my black pepper chicken with lingeries~~ erm~~ not tat nice~~ furthermore, i didn't manage to finish it up~~
A friend asked me hw old am i? Pretty Surprise~~ He guessed my age~~ haha.. but in the end, i never tell him..

12th, i went holland v to have XO yu pian mee fen~~ haha.. nice nice.. i like the fried chicken wing~~ so called i am trying to bully that guy friend~~ u can only have one wor~~ then the rest split among us~~ wahaha.. ended up, i am being force to eat the second piece.. cos i quite full~~ pretty surprising.. trying to control not to eat so much especially at nite~~

hehee.. the most touching part~~ was i dunno how to go holland village.. i looked for one brother who stays near there.. His gf being very kind, asked me to take cab go there.. cos both of them dunno hw to walk from buona vista to holland v.. He referred me to another brother~~ ________________________________________ (to decode by yourself)~~ haha.. then i sms him~~ no reply~~ i started to scold him in my mind~~ bluff me de~~ haiz~~~but he called me and guide me almost half of my journey~~ hehee.. so touch.. xie xie~~ wo ai si ni le~~ haha... opps.. later will he faint when he saw this post? erm~~ i doubt that he will read my blog.. haha.. so should be ok lah~~ luckily i never walked there.. cos they were at the hawker centre waiting for me~~ heng~~

12th, 13th,14th:

i met up with my dearest brothers~~ haha.. so called two of them contiunous see me for three days.. another one for two days~~ guess they going to puke liao~~ keep seeing me~~ haha.. .

we went to have thai express, follow by starbucks~~ starbucks paid by brother~~ hehe.. :P

the next day, we went to eat chong qing huo guo at bugis~~ yummy~~~ :P but didn't really eat much~~ cos i was pretty unhappy tat day~~ i also couldn't remember why.. of them left first.. Brother A accompany me to walk to PS to take 36.. Haha.. had a chatted... hw come i bcome so close to him or so called when i bcome so close to him~~ last time we dun even talk at all.. but now~~ omg~~ i gt tons of rubbish..

tuesday.. we went to ichiban sushi for dinner~~ omg~~ sure got sashimi~~~ if i didn't remember wrongly, i never take photos there~~ haiz~~ wasted~~ damn~~ kana bully all the way~~~

Wednesday~~ home sweet home~~ really very shag~~~~

Thursday~~ i went to korean restaurant to eat~~ yummy~~~

Friday.. i tried popeye biscuit~~ hehee...

Saturday.. bring my mum, aunt and uncle out~~ accompany them walk walk~~~

Sunday.. Friend's birthday~~~ KTV celebration~~`

Monday.. HardRock Cafe at Orchard

Tuesday.. Sushi Tei~~~

wallet big hole~~ haiz~~

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