Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Part and Parcels of Life?

Hahaa.. Seriously, are u looking to be in a relationship and enjoy the pamper from your the other half? or are u enjoying yr current life?

hahaa.. who dun want someone to care abt you.. who dun want someone to look after you.. i believe most women are more sensitive towards things.. and "zou nan ren hou mian de nu ren.."

seriously~~ in life, one might encounter more than one relationship.. not every relationship ended with a happy ending nor a sad ending ...

I known a truth life story.. A couple had been together for 7 years, ended up they broke up. But the gal was running away, she do not wants to hear any news from the guy. Why? To me, bcos the gal can't get the guy out of her mind but she knows that separating will be better for both parties. Since there is a gap between the gal and the guy. Whether is there any third-parties had come in, it does not seems to be a problem anymore. Since the love had faded to become a habit.. In a relationship, don't ever let "love" or "passion" to fade it and bcome a habit.. There are times that you can change your habit and addicted to another habit.. While if love is there, it will be lasting instead of fading away..

Am i right? Seriously i also dunno, it is just based on my kpo comments.. If i am right, why can't i find something that is right? Had i really let go of the past? I did not let go of the past, it just bcome my memories. The more u wants to let go of something, the harder it is. Why not try to accept the facts, instead of running away? Running away does not helps at all, it will just make matters worst. Seriously i did enjoy my life at the moment.. Wo shi yi ge heng rou yi zi zhu de nu ren~~ Ou er ge wo yi ge guan hua~~ wo jiu yi jing gou le~~~

i met a friend on sunday~~ maybe after my complaint too much~~ he told me "If u really need money, i can lend u first." Hahaa.. seriously at that point of moment, i really very touch.. It had been a long time that someone ever told me that.. haha.. Min.. u still consider quite fortunate.. u had met quite a lot of gd friends in life.. but friendship will still fades away de~~~ in this world, as long as, there is relationship in it... they will always tend to fade away.. hw can u maintain friendship or relationship like a bottle of wine.. the longer it is, the better it is.. i guess i haven't reach that level yet.. i hope i can reach but i doubt it...

is just part and parcels of life.. the older u grow, the more things will fade away.. therefore, i rather be silly, childish in front of friends... i just wants to stay in that moment.. cos it is always a joy to remain part of yourself as a child~~ in a working society, u had to be tuff fighter. Why still wants to wear the mask after work? Isn't that makes life bcome more sian and more tiring..

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is Life really that Fragile

Is life really tat fragile?? When things want to come, you really cannot runaway? Seriously, i dunno when Min will down again or she had overcome it.. We shall see.. Shall let time prove whether i am right or i am wrong..

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I am Broke for the next few months..

Hahaha.. It had been a long long time tat i ever had this kind of taste, thinking of omg~~ hw am i going to suffer thru.. But now this kind of taste is back.. ARGH~~ Seriously i really hate it but i had to accept it for the next one year or more..

Last friday, i had fork out my money to pay my school fees for the first semester. Erm.. Min arh~~ just one module leh, how broke can you be~~ But if the following things going to occur for the next few months.. Then guess i know why am i going to broke~~

June :
- Cousin's birthday
- Owe my cousins they all a treat..

July :
- Time for a trip
- 2 birthdays

August :
Birthday Day month
-3 sec friends
-1 poly friend
-Nanny.. haha..
-2 ex-colleagues..

September :
- 2 birthdays
- a trip to KL before my school starts?

October :
- My birthday.. Yipeee
- 2 birthdays..
- School starts.. sob sob.. transportation allowance going to increase le~
- 1 wedding..

November :
- Time to think hw am i going to pay my school fees..
- 2 weddings..

~~ omg~~ i just dun feel like continue.. haiz~~

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Relaxing Weekend

This weekend considered as most guai weekend for me. Didn't really went anywhere except going for facial today morning. Opps... Is so painful~~ haiz~~~ no choice~~ face very dirty.. haiz~~ guess i should go facial often.

Erm~~ Last friday, i met my friends for dinner plus movies~~ haha.. Actually wanted to try hanabi at vivocity but is 50 plus per person. -_-''' Four of us.. hahaa.. Didi was so quiet that day.. really stunned me~~ In the end, we went to dragongate at harbour for dinner.. lol.. :P one person is ard 35. We ordered 23 dishes out of the 54 dishes. Seriously, i didn't eat a lot.. Most likely is try one piece from each plate, therefore during movie, i still can have my haagen daz ice-cream.. i went to watch jin ge that movie.. haha... who is jin ge? jin cheng wu lor~~ hahaha... quite touching sia~~ i doubt that didi knows that i cried during the movie~~ hahaa.. :P i like the song so much~~

korkor... these few days u been calling ard 2, 3, 4 plus.. haha.. i never pick up~~ i sleep le lah.. u wants to make appointment with me to make up a date to redeem my ice-cream.. :P hahaa.. or accompany me go airport for dinner.. :P i feel like going to changi airport.. dunno why.. is it time for de-stress.. haha.. :P

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

haiz~~ Am i being too shy?

Erm~~ I can't deny my colleagues they all really treat me very good and nice~ They will look after me. Always ask me to join them for lunch, bring me go eat nice food. One of my colleagues going off tomorrow. Before she left, she passed me her pooh bears~~ she said when i saw that, i will think of her~~ seriously, i very touched~~~ i almost wanted to drop my first tears in the new compant~~ but i hold on to it.. haiz~~ guess later, it will be a sad moment~ cos everyone was sad that she is going to leave us and join another company...

haiz~~ am i being too shy~~ seriously, i think i need some reflection on myself. When i am not close to someone, i dunno how to interact with them~ haiz~~ i hopefully i will learn more on socalising skills and get a much more closer bond with them~ dun want them to mistaken that i am acting dao or wat. just that i dunno wat to say.

Last wk, i had a very tiring week.

Monday and tuesday, i went back home after work~ Sad sia, bank no money~~ sob sob~~

Wed, i went out with my colleagues to have farewell dinner cum KTV.. plus macdonald. Trying to control my diet, even my colleague asked me to eat nugget, i also decline~~ haha.. early in the morning eat nuggets.. haha.. let me recalled wat i had over in iras tat time. i also had a 12 hours outing but this time round is a bit special, i left ard 3plus. I had already had a date with my trekking kakis that to join them to go kent ridge the next day. Therefore, they let me go.. hahaha.. :P

Thur, Although i am very tired, i pull myself to wake up at 12 to join them. As usual, i am late and did not had my lunch with them. Hahaha.. When lao dao saw me, first sentence "Are you ok? You look quite pale." Omg~~ i really looks that bad~~ haiz~~ i faster brushed away and go to buy drinks~ Ended everyone also knows i slept at 5 plus, tat's why i looks so tired. We went to watch sunset, i can only use one word to describe "Beautiful". I never knew that sunset is that beautiful.

Friday, i met up with my ex-colleagues and went down to register. Haha.. Four of us going to study together. After being persuade by so many pple, i finally make my first step. We shall see how things going to be like. I wondering, will i give up halfway?

Sat, i am so tired that i slept until 4 plus then wake up~ so jialat right? haha.. I went to catch ironman, bcos i am late again. We got the first row seats. Erm~~ really very cold.. I almost freeze to death.. I think the show is consider not bad, making use of the high technology stuffs. Of cos, my friend love it more than we do. Hahah.. had a short chat at iguana... Some stuffs that cannot avoid means really cannot avoid... After iguana, we went mac~ Haha.. Papa very look after me.. knows that i going to attend my gd friend's wedding.. they will always remind me~~ nov wor~~ nov wor~~ stress~~~ -_-''' Am i going to determine to do it? haha.. We shall see.. :X

Sun.. I met up some friends for lunch at wisma food court, we tried the korean food over there. Hehehe.. :P i think next time i will order soba~~ that looks nice~~ haha.. thanks for helping me.. :P
I had my dinner at IMM~~ hahaha.. Hk cafe.. not bad~~ quite nice~~ jiejie actually wanted to treat me bcos she knows i am damn broke now~~ but i insisted dun want lah~~ haiz~~ guess this week, i going to eat bread le~~

Monday, May 05, 2008

My mind had went crazy..

Erm.. Something did happened to me, i really think i am crazy. Prevent myself from going to the wrong direction again. I ask a favor from my cousin, please remind me not to walk to the wrong direction again. I cannot like my gd friend, if i like him, means our friendship will be gone. So i must deal it carefully this time round, i don't want it to turn into a mess again. Haha.. But guess this kind of weird feelings will fade very fast. Once bitten twice shy, haha.. why things always that coincident~~ when i am typing this msg, he sms me~~ guess i need to siam for some time.. before i become much more normal~~ i need to tell myself~~ i am not looking for shelter.. i am not looking for someone to depend on~~ now, i can look after myself well~~ i dun need a bf for the current moment~~

i finally did something that i had mentioned for a the past one year or two years. i had went to register for school, now waiting for letter whether am i being accepted or i got two exempted modules.