Monday, May 05, 2008

My mind had went crazy..

Erm.. Something did happened to me, i really think i am crazy. Prevent myself from going to the wrong direction again. I ask a favor from my cousin, please remind me not to walk to the wrong direction again. I cannot like my gd friend, if i like him, means our friendship will be gone. So i must deal it carefully this time round, i don't want it to turn into a mess again. Haha.. But guess this kind of weird feelings will fade very fast. Once bitten twice shy, haha.. why things always that coincident~~ when i am typing this msg, he sms me~~ guess i need to siam for some time.. before i become much more normal~~ i need to tell myself~~ i am not looking for shelter.. i am not looking for someone to depend on~~ now, i can look after myself well~~ i dun need a bf for the current moment~~

i finally did something that i had mentioned for a the past one year or two years. i had went to register for school, now waiting for letter whether am i being accepted or i got two exempted modules.

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