Sunday, May 25, 2008

I am Broke for the next few months..

Hahaha.. It had been a long long time tat i ever had this kind of taste, thinking of omg~~ hw am i going to suffer thru.. But now this kind of taste is back.. ARGH~~ Seriously i really hate it but i had to accept it for the next one year or more..

Last friday, i had fork out my money to pay my school fees for the first semester. Erm.. Min arh~~ just one module leh, how broke can you be~~ But if the following things going to occur for the next few months.. Then guess i know why am i going to broke~~

June :
- Cousin's birthday
- Owe my cousins they all a treat..

July :
- Time for a trip
- 2 birthdays

August :
Birthday Day month
-3 sec friends
-1 poly friend
-Nanny.. haha..
-2 ex-colleagues..

September :
- 2 birthdays
- a trip to KL before my school starts?

October :
- My birthday.. Yipeee
- 2 birthdays..
- School starts.. sob sob.. transportation allowance going to increase le~
- 1 wedding..

November :
- Time to think hw am i going to pay my school fees..
- 2 weddings..

~~ omg~~ i just dun feel like continue.. haiz~~

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