Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Part and Parcels of Life?

Hahaa.. Seriously, are u looking to be in a relationship and enjoy the pamper from your the other half? or are u enjoying yr current life?

hahaa.. who dun want someone to care abt you.. who dun want someone to look after you.. i believe most women are more sensitive towards things.. and "zou nan ren hou mian de nu ren.."

seriously~~ in life, one might encounter more than one relationship.. not every relationship ended with a happy ending nor a sad ending ...

I known a truth life story.. A couple had been together for 7 years, ended up they broke up. But the gal was running away, she do not wants to hear any news from the guy. Why? To me, bcos the gal can't get the guy out of her mind but she knows that separating will be better for both parties. Since there is a gap between the gal and the guy. Whether is there any third-parties had come in, it does not seems to be a problem anymore. Since the love had faded to become a habit.. In a relationship, don't ever let "love" or "passion" to fade it and bcome a habit.. There are times that you can change your habit and addicted to another habit.. While if love is there, it will be lasting instead of fading away..

Am i right? Seriously i also dunno, it is just based on my kpo comments.. If i am right, why can't i find something that is right? Had i really let go of the past? I did not let go of the past, it just bcome my memories. The more u wants to let go of something, the harder it is. Why not try to accept the facts, instead of running away? Running away does not helps at all, it will just make matters worst. Seriously i did enjoy my life at the moment.. Wo shi yi ge heng rou yi zi zhu de nu ren~~ Ou er ge wo yi ge guan hua~~ wo jiu yi jing gou le~~~

i met a friend on sunday~~ maybe after my complaint too much~~ he told me "If u really need money, i can lend u first." Hahaa.. seriously at that point of moment, i really very touch.. It had been a long time that someone ever told me that.. haha.. Min.. u still consider quite fortunate.. u had met quite a lot of gd friends in life.. but friendship will still fades away de~~~ in this world, as long as, there is relationship in it... they will always tend to fade away.. hw can u maintain friendship or relationship like a bottle of wine.. the longer it is, the better it is.. i guess i haven't reach that level yet.. i hope i can reach but i doubt it...

is just part and parcels of life.. the older u grow, the more things will fade away.. therefore, i rather be silly, childish in front of friends... i just wants to stay in that moment.. cos it is always a joy to remain part of yourself as a child~~ in a working society, u had to be tuff fighter. Why still wants to wear the mask after work? Isn't that makes life bcome more sian and more tiring..

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