Monday, August 30, 2004

erm... it has been a long time that i ever sit at the void deck there to XxXXxXx .. duno why.. should my mood back to normal or turn worst... hai~~~ imagine it had been two years ago that what had happened... before i enter poly... i went to hospital to visit her before.. and i even accompany her to hospital.. now again.. she is back to hospital.. i wondering maybe i am a jinx.. things happened all in a row.. i wondering what going to happen next.. among all my friends.. 2 of them fall sick... i dunno what will happen tomorrow... i am going to visit her tomorrow.. when i reached there, i saw her lying on the bed... will i cry.. or just be back normally.... remember tat time when i saw Gina in hospital.. lying there motionlessly... i was so scared.. and i burst into tears... i called up.. ks and korkor but both of them never pick up.. in the end... i called up.. ky.. haha... he asked me wat happened.. but i also dunno wat to says.. will i cry tomorrow?? or i will treat as nothing happen?? nowadays my tears been dropping down so often... but i still dun feel numb.. maybe i really want to find a hole to hide liao...

Sunday, August 29, 2004

erm.. today went to watch AVP with my friends plus celebrating birthday for two birthday boys.. haha.... Actually within one week.. got four person birthday.. somemore is like one after another one.. while another one is on teacher's day... but today really very shag.. btw.. i saw my SM... she seems very fierce sia.. when she comes... all of us act to be very hardworking.. but once she left.... we no more energy liao...

Saturday, August 28, 2004

wow.. after of rushing of two contiunous days of crazy papers.. i finally can relexed liao .. sian.. tomorrow morning still need to work.. i still wondering tomorrow whether am i going out with my friends or i will be staying at home.... i also dunoo.. but nowadays i dun really seems to like to talk so much.. i want to hide at corner and relax for a while... hehe.. if can.. i hope to go oversea where there is a beautiful beach... and stay there for a few days... within these two weeks of holidays.. i am sure i going to relax and let my mind let go of some things which keep persistent reminding myself that i am not happy at all.... sometimes in life.. need to learn how to let go of things....

Thursday, August 26, 2004

hai~~~ today my c# arh.. hai~~~ that lecturer says arh.. very wasted and i can do better than this.. alamak... after hearing that.. let me feel so paiseh sia... hai~~~ my global supply chain also a bit hay wire.... answers also very weird.. hai~~ very scared sia.. hoping that i can just pass... today super shag... hai~~ still got one more paper to go....

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

erm.. although now still very far away from my birthday... i still wish to set this goal.... i hope that this year i will save up enough and go australia at the end of the year before my attachment/project starts... today my feelings really super weird... today is a rainy day... it likes my mood... the raindrops like my tears... falls down so easily.... my friend says.. alamak... u try to turn off the tap lah.. dun cry liao lah... erm... i also wants... but i dunno how to do it... hai~~~

btw... i finally got my wavier.. but i a bit not unhappy with them... i only got one missed call.. but they says they call me several times... dann... wat does it means?? somemore the customer officer i talked to just now not very helpful.. the customer service they provide super lousy... i wondering am i being very bad? always complaint this and that.. but this wat marketing teacher teach mah... i wondering am i being blacklisted in that "ISP provider" but this is the fact that they owed me lor... from FEB till NOW leh.. not last month.. if last month still can forgive.. somemore i pay money... of cos i expect to have good customer service from them plus don't always encounter disconnect.... maybe i should share my experience out...

in 17 of jan, i finally called up the ISP provider. I sign up broadband in sept... it is less than half a year.. i had been facing disconnect frequently... I also wondering what had happened.. somemore last time don't really have knowledge on computer stuffs. whenever my friends transfer data or files to me.. halfway through, it will get disconnected.. sometimes my friends also very fed up.. and says "aiya, send you another day lah".. hai~~ abit very disappointed... then i checked up with my friends, do they face disconnect frequently... all of them answer me... "NO!" So i finally called up and checked with them, they send someone down to do a checking. He says that i need to change my phone line... there is a lot of disruption... He told me is $50.. I says i take in consideration first... The next day, i called up to says that i want to change my phone line.. leading from external to internal... The operator told me $100 if i want to change it on the next day. If i want to change on the day itself is $150 and 2 days later is $50. So i a bit very stunned and unhappy about it.. I wondering how come within a night, the prices changes so fast.. erm.. i couldn't remember how i got it changed... but after that line was install... they send another person down to check again... But the problem does not solve... i called in... they says do line checking for me.... after so many times... in the end, they send another person down again... Alamak.. they still couldn't find any problems.. hai~~~ i tolerate for another 2 weeks... in the end... i think i called up again... tat rude operator... hai~~~i will remember it forever sia.. ask me wat i want her to do... erm..last time i be telephone operator.. i also dun dare to talk customer in this way... in the end, i lodged a complaint.... the manager called me and apologize to me... hai~~~ he promise me that he will give me wavier starting from the day i called in till the day when the problem is solve... and ask me to go down and change modem... hai~~~ finally on the
1 of FEB... my problems solve... but... my wavier didn't appear in my bill... so can it counted as my fault of digging out the past? for this matter, i think is my fault that i didn't check my bill properly... maybe bcos i overlook due to i trust them that they will be responsible and will answer to their customer.. but maybe my judgement is wrong... the problems is only solve when i called in to ask for an investigation.. this really let me feel very disappointed... i change from dial-up to broadband and furthermore i using back the same ISP provider.. In the end, is this the way they treat their loyal customer? if i have a chance to reconsider again, i might choose another ISP provider instead of this... Maybe i won't have to encounter so many unhappy experiences with them... and being blacklisted by them sia...
........ sian.. i dunno wat happened to me... tomorrow is going to have 2 papers of Common Test but till now i still haven study... what is going on with me?? where is my determination... i dunno why.. today when i was in the bus.. tears suddenly falls down my cheek... i act as if nothing had happend.. and fall asleep... last semester.. i struggled through my exams by telling myself i can never give up... in aus.. there is someone who is struggling so hard to survive.. while you leh.. how can u give up hope.. but now... he is gone... i dunno why i am so sad... but i cannot express it out... i feel very painful... everyday seems like wearing a mask.... it is so tiring.. when i reach home... i cannot not cry anymore... cos granny at my house.... how can i cry... and let her sense something is not right.. this sunday, i going to uncle's house... bcos of grandpa's death aniversary... to me.. it seems like to be grandpa and cousin... i really try my best.. i give in to everyone.. i really trying very hard... not to let pple know.. how painful i feel... trying to act mature.. trying to act as if nothing had happened.. who really understand me... i can tell everyone i am fine.. but i know i am lying... this few days.. i went out with my friends... they xXxxxXx.. i also Xxxxxxxx.... but every nite when i reached home.. i sense that someone is beside me... telling me... don't smoke.. it is not good for health.. you promise yourself that you will looking after my grandma... plus everyone in the family... how can u let them disappointed... you are the only child.. u must stand up stronger than anyone in the family.. everyone dote you so much.. dun let them disappointed.... i really hope i won't let you all disappointed... i dunno why... sometimes i wondering is my tears fake.. i cry bcos i wants to gain sympathy... or i really cry from the bottom of my heart.. i feel so painful... can someone tell me what to do....

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

today went to cut my hair... and went to lao pau sau to eat.. now i feeling super tired ... i guess i going to sleep soon
so sian.. today almost spend whole day with my com.. to deal with stupid virus.. no mood to type liao.. sian.. yesterday talk on phone till 5 ++ ... then the next day 8+ wake up.. till now still haven sleep.. wow.. very sleepy sia.. hai~~~

Monday, August 23, 2004

dunno why... today wanted to sit there to study for next week test.. but in the end.. never touches anything... and dunno why tears going to roll down again soon... hai~~~~ yesterday jiefu told me he went to drink... erm... i got the urge to drink too.. but just that i duno go where to drink or go with who... feel so troubled nowadays.. dunno who can i lean on now... after he had passed away... i keep telling myself that i need to grow up and be much more mature.. i going to look after everyone beside me.. no matter what my cousin says.. i will try my best to says yes... if i can.. i will definitely do it... i really change... i couldn't believe myself.... my uncle also says i grown to be much more mature.. erm.. should i be happy abt it?? but towards my friend.. they still think i am very childish.. if i am given a chance now, i would want to fly to australia... treat as i am giving myself a break without telling anyone.. hoping to keep myself alone... bcos.. i feel so tired to put on a smile face to pple.. when facing any sacastic remarks.. heart feeling so pain.. yet can't express it out.. really very torturing... next sunday, i am going to "pai ji" grandfather.. erm.. i really very scare that it will remind of me what had just happened recently...

i keep telling myself that i won't let anyone of you disappointed again.. if i can't handle my work and my studies at the same time.. most likely, i won't work anymore.. whatever i had promise you all.. i will try my very best to fulfill it.. sorry that i let you disappointed...

Saturday, August 21, 2004

hai~~~~i waited for so long.. i still haven received my wavier.. hai~~~~ half a year liao.. .hoping that next week.. they will really give me a reply.. or else after my contract is finish... can consider of changing ISP liao lah.. Customer service attitude.. hai~~~ can ask me " WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO?" Win liao lor.. i consumer call in for help.. in the end, being treated by this way.. you think who will be happy.. really dann idiot.. i wanted an apologize from them... take 2 weeks to solve my problems.. then furthermore pay money to make myself suffer... hai~~~ maybe shortage of a customer to them... is like small case.. but i really couldn't believe it.. i been with them for so long.... i sign up.... internet since 1999... till now.. i been with the company for 5 years... wow.. this year is the worst year that i ever got... they took so long to solve my problems... furthermore they keep asking me to wait.. i don't have that good patience to wait...

1) Waited two weeks to get my connections solve... Within that two weeks... they send 3 people down, done several phone checking and changing of wires...

2) Waited half a year, still did not get my wavier... i wondering did i heard wrongly or a conster talking to me......

3) I called in on Last Friday.. I only get my answer today.. but for this.. i admit it is partly my fault too.. i was so busy and never heard the phone ring... hai~~~

4) Today he asked me whether do i accept if he is going to provide me with 2 weeks of wavier? I asked him no.. Plus the reason he gave me really very lame.. telling me that.. my collegue accidentally close the case, therefore there isn't any rebate given to me.. I was wondering.. everything my fault arh?? U asked me to waited for half a year.. in the end... still got the cheek to tell me such a lame excuse.. i couldn't believe that this is what the management is doing.. Poor management... He asked me what will accept.. I actually do not want to make any comments, planning to see what they will provide me.. But he says you tell me, i try to get it for you... if the management is going to settle, they will at most give me 2 weeks.. I feel very unhappy with the service that they provide to me. Am i a consumer or not??

5) Now... i had to wait for my wavier.. he says that he will call me back and inform me about this matter by next week.. hai~~~ i wondering will i really get an answer by next week.. or i had to wait for another half a year or even longer...

*** take note:::
I am lucky that last time when i requested that i need my bill, there is a customer service officer send me all my bills starting from feb to june.... From there, then i realise how come there is no rebate in my Feb bill... therefore... i called up and make enquires about it...
so next time remember to check your bill monthly, in case what they promise you might not be the truth. Just to coax the consumer.. for eg.. like my case.. waiting and waiting.... hai~~~

Thursday, August 19, 2004

hehee... i found back my watch after two hours of searching.. nowadays i enjoy working more.. bcos got click with some of my collegue.. today arh.. waste my time sia.. actually i can knock off at 11pm.. but in the end, i do until closing.. I scare that maybe is wrong schedule again.. so i stay until 12.. when my manager saw me, he asked me " Why you haven go home?"... Hai~~~ make me so sian.. i work until want to sleep liao sia.. erm.. actually there is one of my collegue look like my ex's style sia... but... not suitable for me.. he eat potato.... while i eat rice.. my ang mo standard so lousy.. i also dun really dare to speak in english.... but he very nice + good.. hehee.. also cheer us up..

erm... two weeks later.. i will be changing my work place.. by then, i shall be having my holidays..... but today very stunned.. i saw my cousin-in-law at my workplace.. hehee.. this is the very first time sia...

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

i lost my watch today.. boring.. sad sad..