Wednesday, August 25, 2004

erm.. although now still very far away from my birthday... i still wish to set this goal.... i hope that this year i will save up enough and go australia at the end of the year before my attachment/project starts... today my feelings really super weird... today is a rainy day... it likes my mood... the raindrops like my tears... falls down so easily.... my friend says.. alamak... u try to turn off the tap lah.. dun cry liao lah... erm... i also wants... but i dunno how to do it... hai~~~

btw... i finally got my wavier.. but i a bit not unhappy with them... i only got one missed call.. but they says they call me several times... dann... wat does it means?? somemore the customer officer i talked to just now not very helpful.. the customer service they provide super lousy... i wondering am i being very bad? always complaint this and that.. but this wat marketing teacher teach mah... i wondering am i being blacklisted in that "ISP provider" but this is the fact that they owed me lor... from FEB till NOW leh.. not last month.. if last month still can forgive.. somemore i pay money... of cos i expect to have good customer service from them plus don't always encounter disconnect.... maybe i should share my experience out...

in 17 of jan, i finally called up the ISP provider. I sign up broadband in sept... it is less than half a year.. i had been facing disconnect frequently... I also wondering what had happened.. somemore last time don't really have knowledge on computer stuffs. whenever my friends transfer data or files to me.. halfway through, it will get disconnected.. sometimes my friends also very fed up.. and says "aiya, send you another day lah".. hai~~ abit very disappointed... then i checked up with my friends, do they face disconnect frequently... all of them answer me... "NO!" So i finally called up and checked with them, they send someone down to do a checking. He says that i need to change my phone line... there is a lot of disruption... He told me is $50.. I says i take in consideration first... The next day, i called up to says that i want to change my phone line.. leading from external to internal... The operator told me $100 if i want to change it on the next day. If i want to change on the day itself is $150 and 2 days later is $50. So i a bit very stunned and unhappy about it.. I wondering how come within a night, the prices changes so fast.. erm.. i couldn't remember how i got it changed... but after that line was install... they send another person down to check again... But the problem does not solve... i called in... they says do line checking for me.... after so many times... in the end, they send another person down again... Alamak.. they still couldn't find any problems.. hai~~~ i tolerate for another 2 weeks... in the end... i think i called up again... tat rude operator... hai~~~i will remember it forever sia.. ask me wat i want her to do... erm..last time i be telephone operator.. i also dun dare to talk customer in this way... in the end, i lodged a complaint.... the manager called me and apologize to me... hai~~~ he promise me that he will give me wavier starting from the day i called in till the day when the problem is solve... and ask me to go down and change modem... hai~~~ finally on the
1 of FEB... my problems solve... but... my wavier didn't appear in my bill... so can it counted as my fault of digging out the past? for this matter, i think is my fault that i didn't check my bill properly... maybe bcos i overlook due to i trust them that they will be responsible and will answer to their customer.. but maybe my judgement is wrong... the problems is only solve when i called in to ask for an investigation.. this really let me feel very disappointed... i change from dial-up to broadband and furthermore i using back the same ISP provider.. In the end, is this the way they treat their loyal customer? if i have a chance to reconsider again, i might choose another ISP provider instead of this... Maybe i won't have to encounter so many unhappy experiences with them... and being blacklisted by them sia...

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