Saturday, August 21, 2004

hai~~~~i waited for so long.. i still haven received my wavier.. hai~~~~ half a year liao.. .hoping that next week.. they will really give me a reply.. or else after my contract is finish... can consider of changing ISP liao lah.. Customer service attitude.. hai~~~ can ask me " WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO?" Win liao lor.. i consumer call in for help.. in the end, being treated by this way.. you think who will be happy.. really dann idiot.. i wanted an apologize from them... take 2 weeks to solve my problems.. then furthermore pay money to make myself suffer... hai~~~ maybe shortage of a customer to them... is like small case.. but i really couldn't believe it.. i been with them for so long.... i sign up.... internet since 1999... till now.. i been with the company for 5 years... wow.. this year is the worst year that i ever got... they took so long to solve my problems... furthermore they keep asking me to wait.. i don't have that good patience to wait...

1) Waited two weeks to get my connections solve... Within that two weeks... they send 3 people down, done several phone checking and changing of wires...

2) Waited half a year, still did not get my wavier... i wondering did i heard wrongly or a conster talking to me......

3) I called in on Last Friday.. I only get my answer today.. but for this.. i admit it is partly my fault too.. i was so busy and never heard the phone ring... hai~~~

4) Today he asked me whether do i accept if he is going to provide me with 2 weeks of wavier? I asked him no.. Plus the reason he gave me really very lame.. telling me that.. my collegue accidentally close the case, therefore there isn't any rebate given to me.. I was wondering.. everything my fault arh?? U asked me to waited for half a year.. in the end... still got the cheek to tell me such a lame excuse.. i couldn't believe that this is what the management is doing.. Poor management... He asked me what will accept.. I actually do not want to make any comments, planning to see what they will provide me.. But he says you tell me, i try to get it for you... if the management is going to settle, they will at most give me 2 weeks.. I feel very unhappy with the service that they provide to me. Am i a consumer or not??

5) Now... i had to wait for my wavier.. he says that he will call me back and inform me about this matter by next week.. hai~~~ i wondering will i really get an answer by next week.. or i had to wait for another half a year or even longer...

*** take note:::
I am lucky that last time when i requested that i need my bill, there is a customer service officer send me all my bills starting from feb to june.... From there, then i realise how come there is no rebate in my Feb bill... therefore... i called up and make enquires about it...
so next time remember to check your bill monthly, in case what they promise you might not be the truth. Just to coax the consumer.. for eg.. like my case.. waiting and waiting.... hai~~~

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