Saturday, October 30, 2004

erm.. i had finish one of my paper... 2 more papers to go.. i also temporary leave my job at cartel... soon going back to GC.. haha.. couldn't believe it.. i will be going back there again.. i hope 10 days of working life at there won't be a sad moment.. bcos it might be the last time i will be working there.. after finish my work at GC on the 15.. on the 16 i am going for my attachment.. erm.. i am a bit worry bcos i also dunno where i will be going.. somemore a bit weird.. need to go for interview.. luckily now i still haven received any call from the company but i received from the school liao.. they ask me to be prepare.. diao... i also dunno.. hai~~ this week something unpleasant happened.. i also duno wat to do.. i keep quiet.. wait till she wan to talk abt it.. then we shall see how.. hopefully there is a chance for her... alamak.. i am making myself crazy by working every moment after my exams... today my collegue very sweet.. she sing birthday song to me.. hehe.. erm.. i still prefer to be in siglap.. bcos at least i will be happier.. hai~~~ not really happy at my current work place lor... today kana scolding bcos of nothing.. i am very sure is not i serve lor.. i been working at there for so long liao.. how can i make such a big mistake.. i keep quiet... although i duno at the girl well.. also dun want to says out... hai~~ this is the second time liao.. next time dun want to be so good liao.. says out who did that arh.. dann.. always me kana... i dun have multiple hands sia.. lolo.. :P but anyway i did had my happy moments there too.. is just that siglap is nearer to my house plus much more easier to communicate... n the manager is better.. lolo.. :P forget it.. i haven study for global.. hai~~~ global is killing me.. hai~~ go sleep liao..

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