Wednesday, October 13, 2004

nowadays super shag... almost everyday sleep less than 2-3 hours of sleep.. now i finally know wat is the toughest period in poly.. erm.. i am so shag in first and second year.. now last year liao.. suddenly feel the stress.. so many projects n tons of works to do..

Projects on Hand now..
1) C# (this coming thursday) - only 20% completed
2) Global supply chain report - 0% completed
3) Citect Report - 0% completed
4) Techno Report - 0 % completed
5) APO Common Test on this coming friday - haven touch at all
6) APO Lab test (next tuesday) - haven touch at all

** all the above means that almost everyday i had to burn midnight oil.. plus this friday i got work also.. hai~~~

nowadays my temper won't be that good.. so pls dun come and try to provoke me.. cause when i get not enough sleep.. i will be very irritated so easily.. that i can't even control myself... erm.. i says sorry first.. if i provoke u..

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