Sunday, October 31, 2004

today mummy help me apply medicine on my injuries... i thought of louis... lolo.. i also dunno why.. maybe he is a sweet bf ba.. kekeke.. last time whn i am with him together.. i dunno how to cherish... lolo.. :P but now he should be leading a much more happier life than me... there is once i went out with him... my hand is full with blue black.. he scold me.. and bring me to watson.. he bought a lot of medicine for me.. no matter is for wat kind of injuries... haha.. he is really dann sweet lor... really miss that period of time we had.... but tat is before i enter poly...

when i entered poly, we broke up... maybe bcos of my childish character or partly abt friends... i met another nice guy too... although he did not actually accompany thru my poly life but at least he willingly to listen to woes... is this considered not bad?? at least he let me dependent on.. haha.. not long ago.. he left... after entering my life for 2 years plus ba...

a few months back, i met another guy... which i also dunno how i feel abt him.. only purely friendship or i like him or i just finding someone to dependent on... i rather had a distance between both of us... than hurting myself again.. i dun even know wat i want now... so i dun dare to ask for too much.. maybe keep as wat we are now will be better... i dun understand wat is love or relationship.. whenever someone is too good to me.. i might have a bit of feelings towards that person but after sometime.. that kind of feelings will disappear.. except towards korkor.. haha... maybe my priorty now is not to differentiate wat is love and wat is like or wat is relationship.. it should STUDYING HARD for tomorrow paper... and not thinking of anything else...

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