Sunday, December 05, 2004

today went to toa payoh with ester to cut hair..actually ying is coming to join us for dinner.. in the end... she says she got stomachache.. cannot join us... hai~~~ today cut away my long hair..cannot tie fast a month had passed.... he is coming back in two weeks time.... am i going to be veyr happy when he called me up.. will he get anything for me.. i have been thinking of these... hahaha.. the answer for all these question is.... NO... the distance between both of us will bcome futher.. i really miss the times...we had together.. maybe when he come back.. he will not look for me anymore...... playing ard for so long.. a bit getting very tired and restless.. dunno why.. feel like the feeling be with friends are better...

yesterday went to play pool with primary school friends.. on the way from tampines to parkway... my friend called me up... after i hang up the phone, the guy suddenly asked me your bf arh? i says no jus a friend... but he says sooner or later he is your bf... i scold him siao.. haha...The most funniest part was tat i saw JUSTIN FONG at TM... erm.. trying avoid to meet him at tampines... in the end.. when i was trying clothes at Gio.... and going to return back the clothes to the salesgirl.. i saw someone.. and i was trying to hide... there is no way i can hide... and he dragged me outside the shop... erm.. this guy sometimes a bit very violent but there are times that he are very good.. always help me this sotong... erm... been quite lucky lah.. got him ard when i need help... SHIFU aka turtle... hehe.. he also not bad... always bully him... Frm yr 1 to yr3... been always asking help from him for projects.........

i want to says a BIG thank you to someone... you are always there for me for these few years... i never regret that i know you... you had been giving me support... always tell me.. min.. must zai.. no fear.. min always remember wat u says.. do u know that.... why min listen to u so much.. u are the first one who called me min....the most silly guy arh... i asked u anything.. most of the time.. u won't says no to me... when u says no... but the next moment... you will help me... silly guy... always tell me dun be late.. when i late.. he frown.. always been keen to ask u out for dinner.. to express my grattitude to you... no chance le.. min u must be strong.........

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