Tuesday, March 29, 2005

hehee.. jus now when to ang mo kio with miss tan.. went to eat long john sliver.. erm.. very bad sia.. she always very guai... nowadays.. changed liao.. went out with me during school time.. and we getting more slack.. lolo... when to a comics shop at ang mo kio central there.. the DVD and VCD quite cheap.. saw sun yan zi mtv dvd disc at only 9.90..... bought a DIY pop up card.. since her birthday is coming soon.. maybe give her a surprise by getting her a present.. but first must ask whether shi fu want to share with me or not.. lolo.. :P

yesterday kana sabtoge by alvin korkor.. he eat shit arh.. give other pple by number.. let me blur blur.. got to entertain pple.. since he is my ah-kor's friend.. hai~~~ sian!!!! but these few days been talking to him.. also remind me abt tat time me and his friend.. lolo.. :P tat guy asked me a very silly question.. how u got to know alvin... haaha.. i avoided tat question.. lolo.. i know him thru my ex...a bit regret abt how we broke up... but it was too long ago.....

why guys are so petty.. erm... i really dunno.. was he unhappy with something or what.. just that he jus want to aviod me nowadays.. after sat tat incident..he no longer called me tat often anymore.. but.. is he says want to be friends.. ya.. we are still friends.. no matter wat had happened.. so i................ maybe i really dun understand wat i wants...

banana asking me to go for a trip.. thinking of how to cope out with a lie to go oversea with them.. haha.. haven my project... yet thinking of how to celebrate... dunno whether can ............... or not... touchwood.. hope everything will go smoothly.....

got to get BACK TO WORK!!!! :P
hehee.. jus now when to ang mo kio with miss tan.. went to eat long john sliver.. erm.. very bad sia.. she always very guai... nowadays.. changed liao.. went out with me during school time.. and we getting more slack.. lolo... when to a comics shop at ang mo kio central there.. the DVD and VCD quite cheap.. saw sun yan zi mtv dvd disc at only 9.90..... bought a DIY pop up card.. since her birthday is coming soon.. maybe give her a surprise by getting her a present.. but first must ask whether shi fu want to share with me or not.. lolo.. :P

yesterday kana sabtoge by alvin korkor.. he eat shit arh.. give other pple by number.. let me blur blur.. got to entertain pple.. since he is my ah-kor's friend.. hai~~~ sian!!!! but these few days been talking to him.. also remind me abt tat time me and his friend.. lolo.. :P tat guy asked me a very silly question.. how u got to know alvin... haaha.. i avoided tat question.. lolo.. i know him thru my ex...a bit regret abt how we broke up... but it was too long ago.....

why guys are so petty.. erm... i really dunno.. was he unhappy with something or what.. just that he jus want to aviod me nowadays.. after sat tat incident..he no longer called me tat often anymore.. but.. is he says want to be friends.. ya.. we are still friends.. no matter wat had happened.. so i................ maybe i really dun understand wat i wants...

banana asking me to go for a trip.. thinking of how to cope out with a lie to go oversea with them.. haha.. haven my project... yet thinking of how to celebrate... dunno whether can ............... or not... touchwood.. hope everything will go smoothly.....

want to add in something.. i asked tian tian to give me morning call today.. but i almost late again.. why???? he called me 5 times... i never pick up at all... in the end, he suan me.. sob sob.. u very mean leh... hehee.. :P
got to get BACK TO WORK!!!! :P

Sunday, March 27, 2005

erm... yesterday nite... went to tat labordor park...the first impression i had was "What!!!" "So dark"... i also realize there was a resturant over there... w0nd3rng.. how dd t suff3r.. bc0s th3r3 wasn't a l0t of ppl3 ov3r th3r3.. mayb3 i w3nt th3r3 too lat3... so we ch00se an0th3r dr3ct0n.. head up to mt fab3r.. th3 scenery over there was very beautiful.. it will be much more better than the sky tower in sentosa... sp3nd $10 to go up there and come down within 5 mins.. i rather g0 up the way to mt faber... shiok arh.. not i driving also.. hahaa... jus has to enjoy my scenery... last nte was quite crowd3d... after that when to watch the eye 10... erm.. a bit scary.... not bad.. still consider ok... hehee... :P

furthermore want to add in something.. when i reached hm.. i called up jiefu... bcos feel very bad.. asking him to help me to check timing for shows again!!! erm.. he comments on my behaviour.. sob sob sia.... hai~~~ 他说我被惯坏了..... erm.. i also think so.. heheee... :P but thanks leh.. jiefu.. tat day for comforting me.. haha..telling me that at least there is someone who is always there for me.. hehee.... and the world will never die... even though i am unhappy... so i should lead a happier life.. why should i bother to give a damn to tat girl... hahaa..

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Today damn piss off.. but no choice.. in school.. force myself to control myself.. no matter how unhappy or how pissed i am ... DUN THROW TEMPER... PLUS SMILE.. but smile seems like doesn't works on me sia.. hai~~~~ Senior told me drink more cold water and jia you.. haha.. never know that he is that good before.. lolo... :P furthermore he willing to help me to do my project... erm.. SUPRISE sia... Last sat went out with yiying they all... in the bus or during meals time.. we are still discussing who will get married first.. hahaa.. in the bus, i told bulldog that someone had already get married.. the first reaction he gave me was... "WHAT" "WHO IS HE/SHE?" hahaa... nobody believe that.. yy ask me to send her the wedding photos... erm.. so i have to search through my yahoo email to find that particular email.. hehe.. yesterday finally manage to find that "email"... Today read the email again.. erm.. maybe that will the only thing tat will make me smile ba.. she so far yet she is so cute.. haha.... so fast.. 3 years passed... and she got married.. now she is leading a happily life with her husband... let me copy and paste some tips here and share with u...

- 我结婚,因为爱到了,他爱我,我爱他.最佳的天时地利人和都齐了
- 我很幸福,婚后,我有更多的人疼爱.所以说,姐妹们,找老公是,记得要看他家的人疼不疼你呢...虽然结婚是两个人的事,可周遭的人也很重要.若他家人也很好的话,你会更幸福哦!!!兄弟们,了解了吗?!若她家的人也很喜欢你,你就成功了一半了.
- 我深信自己有着同样的优势直得他的爱.那可是他的福气呢.所以说,兄弟姐妹们,千万不要放弃自己哦!!!就算身边有了人,还是要保持美好的仪容和状态哦!!!若还没有危机感的你,要检讨啦!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2005

last friday nite went hard rock cafe with ester, ah-ying, daniel and roy.. haha.. surprising tat i will went out with them... when i reached home.. i already half dead.. and couldn't believe tat my parents allowed me to go out at ard 10plus.. plus.. dad sent me down to far east.. haha... i am back to my nature.. like to play around.. while we waiting for them.. ah ying and me went to the ladies, we passby a pub.. the bouncer told us $25.. we were like wow... so ex.. but too bad we cannot enter bcos we are underage... after tat we went to vintage... when we reached there.. wow again... ended we we went to hard rock cafe.. this is the first time i been to there.. erm.. nt bad.. quite like it.. furthermore there is live band over there.. shiok.. the live band ended ard 1 plus... therefore... we walked over to cineleisure to catch movie... we watched "Robots"... nt bad lah.. but i still prefer to watch my winnie the pooh.. who will be going to watch with me??? hehee.. when i reached home ard 4 plus.. slept ard 5... wake up ard 9... tat day i am like a panda sia... in the end... my cousin came over to my house... oh my god... my aunt and my mum went to east coast park to find them.. while me.. after work.. i knock off already... half dead sia.. no time for my cousin.. hehe.. but the next day i met her after work at suntec.. we went to IT fair.. it was so crowded.. actually wanted to buy digital camera but.. changed my mind.. maybe next time ba... we went to walked ard city link.. i bought my lip gloss at body shop.. tat was the day where my nightmare aka shopping spree starts....

Tuesday was my presentation.. i was so "gan chiong"... Tat morning.. i also realise that my accessor change... cheong poh yee and lee siew lee.. omg... got a tough presentation.. tat day i couldn't wake up on time.. but due to the sweetest friend i ever had.. tian tian.. gave me morning call.. when he was on his way to school.. so touch sia.. but that presentation was not tat well.. got shoot by a lot of questions.. When out with my pig friends.. bring me to makeup shop to purchase makeup and accessories.. omg.. spent quite a lot for this week.. i guess next week had to be at home... no more outing nor shopping spree for me..

Saturday went out with yy, soo yuan, joanna, gary, winston, anton, kevin.. erm.. was quite surprise to drag so many pple down.. actually tot of a gathering between a few of us.. erm.. in the end.. i bcome organiser.. hope tat day everyone enjoys ba.. but sorry... forget to call lifan and chong ping.. i did mention tat.. but nobody told me wat to do ... nor help me to inform them.. furthermore.. sat afternoon then i inform bulldog them.. i gt nth to do during worktime.. then suddenly remembered.. oh ya.. i forget to ask them... paiseh.. feel so sorry.. how abt a chalet?? took quite a number of pics yesterday.. will post it out soon.. lolo.. :P

sunday.. went out with da-jie aka ester to bugis.. hehe.. erm.. suppose to meet her at 6.30.. but in the end i left home ard tat time.. bcos i was overslept.. too shag.. couldn't imagine myself to work and study at the same time.. now i already canot tahan.. finally today tell boss abt it.. but she was very stunned when i went to find her... so.. i ... blur blur.. just says i need to rush project..

**erm.. yesterday when bulldog n gary first saw they will asking me "Where is your bf?".. i am like stunned... i where got bf.. help me find one lah.. gary will like saying.. i introduce u my friends lah.. wahahaa... crazy fellow... dun worry my pal.. if i am start looking for one or i am found someone suitable.. i will announce it out loud and clear.. hehe.. :P

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

erm.. korkor been looking for me this whole week... jus now when i am having NE talk.. he actually wanted to come school and look for me.. but i am not free.. nowadays been so busy with my FYP plus my personal life.. haha.. wat does personal life actually means?? erm.. saw friends gone thru in relationship, makes me change my mind.. walk backwards.. instead of front.... parents been noticing how my relationship going on.. and asking me to give myself a chance and the other party a chance.. i asked my friend nt to look backwards.. haha.. but me, myself walking back.. been avoiding both of them at the same time.. seldom pickup calls from them nor msg them... jus hang up the phone with one of them.. he sound unhappy when i mention that nowadays i keep receiving weird calls from pple.. haha... so weird... how come nowadays they contact me... and i am very surprise.. there is a guy told me he is going to thailand today.. haha..

Today Mr Koh called me up and asked me to go his room to look for him.. I am stunned and wondering wat had happened... at first i tot i failed my attachment... but in the end is he recommend me to go for a talk.. can i considered myself as lucky?? erm.. i dun think so as i dun like to wear formal.. i need to wear formal for tat talk.. hai~~~ these few days, i am very slack with my project... today i had been rushing here and there to get things done.. btw.. i am shocked by a news i received today.. My friend's sister passed away... understand her blow... bcos it lets me tot of my cousin.. but he is far away from me... i thinks now she need care, concern and understanding from her friends.... she needed her close friends to be there for her.. and pull her out from sorrow.. hope tat she will stand up soon.. but it will takes times to recover from this blow...

conclusion for this post... need to rush out my presentation stuffs and get it done by friday.. need to complete my NE after my presentation.. haven do my aes for last week.. (haha.. he sure going to nag at me) this weekend got work OT.. hope tat i can inform my boss tat i can only work for her till end of march.. and i need some concentration for my FYP.. or maybe next week will be my last week....

Sunday, March 06, 2005

erm.. this week very siong.. monday had swensen.. friday had sakae.. today i had yaki yuki.. omg.... mon-friday of tough training also cannot help me arh.. hai~~ hehe.. but okie lah.. so long never met up with my friends... went out with them to makan.. hehe.. :P still miss the old times i had with them.. erm.. but my wallet burn a big hole.. hehe.. today also sabo gary... wanted to meet him at orchard.. but he ended up that he went to play pool with his friends.. hai~~ but we set tat next week, we will be going out.. and there might had a chalet during the holidays..but for this.. we will be still planning.. but anyway i will keep u all update...

today when i was at my work place.. my phone seems to kana bomb by pple.. and i was wondering how come my phone keeps ringing.. 3 missed calls from korkor, 2 missed calls from my ex collegue, 1 call from my cousin, 2 calls from my parents.. and 1 call from si ren.. hai~~~ when i was thinking of how to solve my coding.. my boss kept informing me that my hp rings... maybe bcos i didn't switch to silent mode.. i was late today bcos i was delay by some work.. hai~~~ sian.. when can i open my mouth and inform my boss tat i need to stop for a while.. .

friday.. went to tampines to have sakae... surprisingly that there was one sakae at the basement of century square but very warm.. my friend's friend accompany us to wait for seats before he left.. one thing i can comment abt him.. blur blur plus very good to bully.. haha.. :P he lives near my house too.. i wondering.. do he know leo they all.. haha...

btw... nowadays pple seems to getting more and more interested in my personal life.. wondering whether do i have a bf.. and who is it.. erm.. pls be patient... if i think tat person suits to be my bf.. i will announce.. u all dun need so gan chiong for me.. bcos now i also a bit blur blur.. i will make my choice wisely... otherwise my parents will be nagging at me also.. furthermore gary says he want to intro his friends to me.. hhhahaa.. wat a joke sia.. next week meet him, must disturb him liao.. hehe.. :P btw.. i did not went chinablack with ester and ah-ying on friday nite.. wanted to go there so much.. after hearing wat both of them said plus mummy and daddy.. in the end.. i choose nt to go... my friend helped me to ask his friend to help me buy liqour back.. erm.. hope it is success.. tat time wanted to ask aunt to buy.. but in the end.. change my mind.. hai~~~ hope there is a chance i can buy back or someone can buy back for me... let's pray hard.. btw he going to pay HALF of it.. hehe.. :P

Thursday, March 03, 2005

yesterday went to napfa.. erm.. predicted tat i will fail.. something did happen at nite.. my aunt called up us and inform us to attend a funeral tomorrow nite.. my cousin's grandpa jus passed away.. let me think that life is really very short.. should cherish every moments and seconds, i had now.. today read my friend's blog.. won't be surprise that she had not forget tat relationship... she is such a devoted person.. erm... as my part of friend, i feel that i really never spend enough time with her.. and keep her accompany thru her unhappy times.. she is always there for me yet.. i ......... hai~~~ so disappointed with myself.. Sorry!!!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

So long never post anything up.. i also dunno what should i post or what should i says.. i landed in such a dilemma state.. Saturday went out with my cousin to watch movie and have dinner.. it had been a long time i ever meet her.. so asked her out but again i am late.... so as to apologize for that.. i gave her a treat... When to watch closer.... The movie is not my type.. i dun like it.. feel that it was very boring... like no plot.. bcos they will never indicate the years.. unless the actor/actress mention it.... The guy never know who he likes.. in the end.. being ditched by tat two ladies.....

Sunday went to work.. such a tiring day.. after that went back home and rest... Try to cook butter cereal prawns.. erm.. taste nt bad... lala.. :P

Yesterday.. he went for operation.. I am not there for him either.. this let me recalled of what happened in the past.. last time when d went for operation, neither that i was there for him.. plus further more i went out to play pool with my friends.. he was so angry abt it.. but.. haha.. still forgave me.. Met korkor at city hall mrt station.. after so many things had happened.. he managed to stand up... but despite of so many curious stares.. he still laugh and joke with me... what can i says.. he was much more stronger than wat i expected.. he will be going to undergo a surgery in may.. i promise him that this time i will be there for him.. hai~~~ no mood to type in school.. maybe go back home then contiune the story... commit a sin yesterday... i ate swensen, yami yougurt and gelare ice-cream... hai~~~~ but taste yummy...