Wednesday, March 09, 2005

erm.. korkor been looking for me this whole week... jus now when i am having NE talk.. he actually wanted to come school and look for me.. but i am not free.. nowadays been so busy with my FYP plus my personal life.. haha.. wat does personal life actually means?? erm.. saw friends gone thru in relationship, makes me change my mind.. walk backwards.. instead of front.... parents been noticing how my relationship going on.. and asking me to give myself a chance and the other party a chance.. i asked my friend nt to look backwards.. haha.. but me, myself walking back.. been avoiding both of them at the same time.. seldom pickup calls from them nor msg them... jus hang up the phone with one of them.. he sound unhappy when i mention that nowadays i keep receiving weird calls from pple.. haha... so weird... how come nowadays they contact me... and i am very surprise.. there is a guy told me he is going to thailand today.. haha..

Today Mr Koh called me up and asked me to go his room to look for him.. I am stunned and wondering wat had happened... at first i tot i failed my attachment... but in the end is he recommend me to go for a talk.. can i considered myself as lucky?? erm.. i dun think so as i dun like to wear formal.. i need to wear formal for tat talk.. hai~~~ these few days, i am very slack with my project... today i had been rushing here and there to get things done.. btw.. i am shocked by a news i received today.. My friend's sister passed away... understand her blow... bcos it lets me tot of my cousin.. but he is far away from me... i thinks now she need care, concern and understanding from her friends.... she needed her close friends to be there for her.. and pull her out from sorrow.. hope tat she will stand up soon.. but it will takes times to recover from this blow...

conclusion for this post... need to rush out my presentation stuffs and get it done by friday.. need to complete my NE after my presentation.. haven do my aes for last week.. (haha.. he sure going to nag at me) this weekend got work OT.. hope tat i can inform my boss tat i can only work for her till end of march.. and i need some concentration for my FYP.. or maybe next week will be my last week....