Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Today damn piss off.. but no choice.. in school.. force myself to control myself.. no matter how unhappy or how pissed i am ... DUN THROW TEMPER... PLUS SMILE.. but smile seems like doesn't works on me sia.. hai~~~~ Senior told me drink more cold water and jia you.. haha.. never know that he is that good before.. lolo... :P furthermore he willing to help me to do my project... erm.. SUPRISE sia... Last sat went out with yiying they all... in the bus or during meals time.. we are still discussing who will get married first.. hahaa.. in the bus, i told bulldog that someone had already get married.. the first reaction he gave me was... "WHAT" "WHO IS HE/SHE?" hahaa... nobody believe that.. yy ask me to send her the wedding photos... erm.. so i have to search through my yahoo email to find that particular email.. hehe.. yesterday finally manage to find that "email"... Today read the email again.. erm.. maybe that will the only thing tat will make me smile ba.. she so far yet she is so cute.. haha.... so fast.. 3 years passed... and she got married.. now she is leading a happily life with her husband... let me copy and paste some tips here and share with u...

- 我结婚,因为爱到了,他爱我,我爱他.最佳的天时地利人和都齐了
- 我很幸福,婚后,我有更多的人疼爱.所以说,姐妹们,找老公是,记得要看他家的人疼不疼你呢...虽然结婚是两个人的事,可周遭的人也很重要.若他家人也很好的话,你会更幸福哦!!!兄弟们,了解了吗?!若她家的人也很喜欢你,你就成功了一半了.
- 我深信自己有着同样的优势直得他的爱.那可是他的福气呢.所以说,兄弟姐妹们,千万不要放弃自己哦!!!就算身边有了人,还是要保持美好的仪容和状态哦!!!若还没有危机感的你,要检讨啦!!!!