Tuesday, March 01, 2005

So long never post anything up.. i also dunno what should i post or what should i says.. i landed in such a dilemma state.. Saturday went out with my cousin to watch movie and have dinner.. it had been a long time i ever meet her.. so asked her out but again i am late.... so as to apologize for that.. i gave her a treat... When to watch closer.... The movie is not my type.. i dun like it.. feel that it was very boring... like no plot.. bcos they will never indicate the years.. unless the actor/actress mention it.... The guy never know who he likes.. in the end.. being ditched by tat two ladies.....

Sunday went to work.. such a tiring day.. after that went back home and rest... Try to cook butter cereal prawns.. erm.. taste nt bad... lala.. :P

Yesterday.. he went for operation.. I am not there for him either.. this let me recalled of what happened in the past.. last time when d went for operation, neither that i was there for him.. plus further more i went out to play pool with my friends.. he was so angry abt it.. but.. haha.. still forgave me.. Met korkor at city hall mrt station.. after so many things had happened.. he managed to stand up... but despite of so many curious stares.. he still laugh and joke with me... what can i says.. he was much more stronger than wat i expected.. he will be going to undergo a surgery in may.. i promise him that this time i will be there for him.. hai~~~ no mood to type in school.. maybe go back home then contiune the story... commit a sin yesterday... i ate swensen, yami yougurt and gelare ice-cream... hai~~~~ but taste yummy...