Sunday, March 06, 2005

erm.. this week very siong.. monday had swensen.. friday had sakae.. today i had yaki yuki.. omg.... mon-friday of tough training also cannot help me arh.. hai~~ hehe.. but okie lah.. so long never met up with my friends... went out with them to makan.. hehe.. :P still miss the old times i had with them.. erm.. but my wallet burn a big hole.. hehe.. today also sabo gary... wanted to meet him at orchard.. but he ended up that he went to play pool with his friends.. hai~~ but we set tat next week, we will be going out.. and there might had a chalet during the holidays..but for this.. we will be still planning.. but anyway i will keep u all update...

today when i was at my work place.. my phone seems to kana bomb by pple.. and i was wondering how come my phone keeps ringing.. 3 missed calls from korkor, 2 missed calls from my ex collegue, 1 call from my cousin, 2 calls from my parents.. and 1 call from si ren.. hai~~~ when i was thinking of how to solve my coding.. my boss kept informing me that my hp rings... maybe bcos i didn't switch to silent mode.. i was late today bcos i was delay by some work.. hai~~~ sian.. when can i open my mouth and inform my boss tat i need to stop for a while.. .

friday.. went to tampines to have sakae... surprisingly that there was one sakae at the basement of century square but very warm.. my friend's friend accompany us to wait for seats before he left.. one thing i can comment abt him.. blur blur plus very good to bully.. haha.. :P he lives near my house too.. i wondering.. do he know leo they all.. haha...

btw... nowadays pple seems to getting more and more interested in my personal life.. wondering whether do i have a bf.. and who is it.. erm.. pls be patient... if i think tat person suits to be my bf.. i will announce.. u all dun need so gan chiong for me.. bcos now i also a bit blur blur.. i will make my choice wisely... otherwise my parents will be nagging at me also.. furthermore gary says he want to intro his friends to me.. hhhahaa.. wat a joke sia.. next week meet him, must disturb him liao.. hehe.. :P btw.. i did not went chinablack with ester and ah-ying on friday nite.. wanted to go there so much.. after hearing wat both of them said plus mummy and daddy.. in the end.. i choose nt to go... my friend helped me to ask his friend to help me buy liqour back.. erm.. hope it is success.. tat time wanted to ask aunt to buy.. but in the end.. change my mind.. hai~~~ hope there is a chance i can buy back or someone can buy back for me... let's pray hard.. btw he going to pay HALF of it.. hehe.. :P