Wednesday, June 22, 2005

erm.... wow... just nice.. today was the 2nd month we seperated... last weekend was like family week.... cos... i had been spending tat weekend with my family... sat... my cousins came over to my house... promise to give them a treat when i got my first month pay.... hehe... :P actually i am not the youngest among all... but... was the most spoilt "kid".....

sun..went out with my paternal side for father's day celebration... erm... for tat nite.. it was a bit different... cos my uncle brought his .......... down for dinner... after several years... he finally brought her to get along with the family... but tat was ex... cos she paid for the meals... first time meet-the-parent session... cost her a bomb.... i did not said much... just have my dinner... tat day seems so moody....... after dinner.. went out with km n cow... haha... :P wasn't tat bad too.. got a gift from km... a "PIG"... -_- went to sampang bedok to have coffee.. seriously.... i dunno tat was where the place i had dinner.. otherwise i will not choose there... the 1 hour over there... they were like talking abt racing cars... n etc.... things tat i dun even heard of or i know... hai~~ guess need to increase my knowledge... i kana suan.. cos i kept using phone... erm.. kor sms me... no choice.. got to reply... when we are on the way back... it was raining heavily... erm.. got a bit wet... but was still ok...thanks sia....

mon.... kana work OT... due to been slacking in office.. till ard 5 plus... erm.. been to a building in the experience.. but.. i dun like it at all... the environment... like dead city... hai~~~

tue... went with a talk with my boss n colleague... seriously... there were times that my tears was rolling down the stream.... but i just trying to control it... it was so touching... tat.... i went to sign up for it... but my boss paid for it... hope after tat course... i will change... the pple over there were friendly... feel so warmly over there.... the talk ended ard 11... luckily... there was guy going to send my colleague n his brother home... actually boss wanted to share cab with me... but since got free ride.. therefore i went for free ride.. pai seh...

wed... so bored.... actually wanted to watch movie... but ended up cancel.. seems like everything cropped choice.. hai~~~