Friday, June 17, 2005

woah.. yesterday was my first day of work.. erm.. never imagine that i worked in this field... software engineer... haha.. i guess nobody believe tat i will start into IT field.. neither do i think of it before... erm.. life been going downstream for me... but due to surprise.. i got my NDP ticket by balloting it online.. erm.. out of thousands of pple.. i manage to get it... erm.. consider lucky??? or changing of luck.. actually they should give me four instead of two... wat abt my dad?? hai~~~

after the chalet... my problem seem to get bigger.... seems like more and more pple knowing abt it... i... regret it... but i know from the day i left school till now.. i been hiding among friends and cousins.... so tat at least i won't feel lonely or i am not alone.. i still got friends around me.... i met up with siok they all... erm.. went to play pool and had fish n co...

seriously never know tat my responsible is tat heavy... erm... imagine.. everyday morning... one pple follow by one pple to wake me up.. ask me to eat breakfast... then at nite... again.. keep repeating the same stuffs... faster switch off your pc.. and sleep... tomorrow u still need to work.... erm.... headache... furthermore.... got to lie to them telling he is in oversea now... but in the actual fact.. just tat we are no longer tat close anymore.. we just contact thru msn..but we seldom chat.. sometimes do miss the period where he is there for me...

last time when i start work alone at cafe cartel... he keep me thru the times... at night.. after work.. he will call me and chat... even i am in the transport... really very sweet.. but all the things change after my cousin pass away.. just like a song called... everybody's changing... now i got to take care of everyone ard me... cannot collaspe now.. granny blood pressure too high.. leg swollen ......... now all my strength are left for my family... n nobody else... too tiring le....