Monday, June 27, 2005

this was the second time i received this song... called si xing bu gai.. haha.. eveytime i hear this song.. my tears will just fall... couldn't believe tat.. kor send me this song.. miss kor so much.. remember in the past when i am sad he will just give me encouragement.. these past years he is always there for me.. but i dare not tell him wat had happened this time.. remember in the past we can eat ice-cream downstair together... celebrate my 18th birthday togethere... popping by and give me a surprise..

seriously.. in my life.. i met a lot of kind souls ard me.. i did not regret to have them as friends... including him.. he really helped me thru a lot.. he is just like my benafactor..

as for jiefu.. so poor thing.. always had to hear me cried... we know each other for three years le ba... but most of time he will hear me cry... when i tot i had bcome stronger.. he hear me cried again.. asked for a vodka as a 21 birthday.. he said ok too.. but i guess in the end.. i will not take it... just like last year.. one of my friend said hp... while he said mp3 player.. haha.. no thanks.. i just want to know u all care for me can le... maybe i am too pamper... i need care and dote too.. hope i am not too greedy ba.. seriously i know u all cannot give me too much too... bcos u all will have gfs or currently had gfs already.. but.. sometimes just give me some care when i need.. i really very satisfy le...

sorry.. if i have scare u all... justin korkor.. thanks... even i didn't spell out tat i am sad... u sense tat.. haha.. so sensitive... jiefu.. sorry.. i scare u with my sms.. maybe i thinks tat jiefu.. dun care for me le.. hehe. alvin kor... haha.. best sia.. always sms me.. and ask me tc.. and very bad always ask me go drink with u and ah beng or play pool.. but i rejected.. lolo..