Wednesday, June 29, 2005

fall sick for the past few days.. sian... sore throat.. flu... fever.. cough... everything comes at once... terrible.... hai~~~ monday went back to office... wanted to finish out my stuffs.. bcos tat was the date due... erm.. still lack of a bit... tuesday wanted to get out of bed.. but felt so restless... my forehead was not hot at all.. but i use thermometer... omg.. is 39 degrees.... haha.. guess something wrong with it.. but once daddy heard abt it... nag nag n nag ... in the end he brought me to clinic... the doctor said i got fever.. throat inflammation.. tat leads to my flu and cough...he remind me to avoid all fried food.. especially DURIANS.. guess i have been eating too much of durians.. tat leads to this illness... gone case liao.. nowadays no appetitie too.. hai~~

he been too kind for me le... whenever i asked help from him.. he will never reject me... hai~~ and never ask me.. it seems like he is always there for me.. dun make me sad leh.. i know u are a very kind soul.. but just dun suit me right.. thanks pal.. i will miss u often.. hehe.. :P