Friday, June 10, 2005

two weeks ago went to chalet with my secondary school friends... sort of like a celebration before the guys going in army... lolo... had been playing mahjong thru nite till kana complaint on friday nite.. while sat nite.. met ....................... erm... sort of mood not really tat good liao... still met tat irratating guy.. seems like going to provoke me... just walk out and went back to room... had a nite of drinking tat day... really drunk a lot... seriously.. just controlling my tears not to fall down... never believe tat i can make it... there gone my sat.... sun.. brought grandma went to see doctor... erm... he commented tat her pressure still too high...

monday to friday been working so hard until i am so shagged and tired... imagine.. sat i worked till 4pm... went out ard 6 plus to meet jiejie.. .she waited for me abt more than one hour.. till to i am too tired.. fall asleep on the sofa....... sunday... brought grandma to see doctor again... this time round.. the doctor is pleased with the outcome.... wahaha.. all of us also happy to heard that... i lose my cousin last year.. i dun wish history to repeat again.. this time round... i am alone... no longer someone will be there for me... btw.. went bowling and steamboat with them again... Wednesday went bowling just to help winston to celebrate his second last day... wahaha... friday met them for steamboat.. so touch.. that they left some prawns and food for me... hehe...

miss work for about two weeks.. i guess micky should be mad at me liao... i sms her yesterday tat i can only work for her on sunday.. she seems like pretty fine with it.. but i hope i will not knock off again.. this week back to work... today went for my basic theory... imagine tat i had failed... cannot believe it.. but seriously... everyday worked frm 9 to 8pm.. really very tiring... the only thing i reached home is to sleep... these two days without pc... seems like so long for me... pc spoilt.... and i really got no time to repair it.. maybe i had to wait till weekend... hai~~ so sad...

i received my graduation letter just now... three years gone le... pple ard me been asking me to forget him.. seriously.. he really helped me a lot in my life.. there is nothing can changed the fact.. told kor about tat... he kept remind me abt louis.. wahaha... seriously.. louis did treated me well too... he stepped into my life.. when louis stepped out.. now he stepped out.. i thinks is time for me to learn to be independent.. i really miss him a lot.. i couldn't stop my tears to flow out... especially during late nite.. seriously.. i really very tired.. had to look after everyone... i want to find someone to rely on can?? i am not tat strong... i am just hiding away my saddnest from everyone... never know tat growing up is so tiring and painful....