Monday, June 27, 2005

erm... came across this blogskin when i am surfing net.. found tat it describe how i feel now... tat's why i change to this skin again... got a few feedback... glad tat most pple like it...

yesterday went to bugis with ester... erm... got broke after tat... sign up for ....... (keep it as a secret first) u might find some changes in me after a few months or u might not find anything different in me... BUT now i totally BROKE... haha... Since two months ago.. i am not taking any pocket money.. had been surviving thru my savings... but bills n shopping n too luxurious life leading to i am broke now... BUT something special happened.. after yesterday... i FALL SICK AGAIN... today morning my throat felt damn painful.... slowly bcome flu... slight fever plus cough... hai~~~~~ just now mummy give me medicine.. but i throw it away...

friday went to watch live band at PS... erm.. actually it was my poly friend performce.. so pop by.. not bad lah.. met jasmine... and had dinner with her n ester... wanted to jio them to drink.. but ended up kana rejected again.. hai~~~ so sad.. nobody wanted to drink with me...

is they forbbiden me to drink?? or all bcome guai guai or dun want me to use drinking as to numb away my f33lings... haha.. taking things dann slowly... but avoid to went out with kor... he called me quite a few times but we just couldn't met up.. due to his work and my work.. plus today i fall sick.. maybe tat's good also.. let me recover from that bad hit... then face him ba... arbo.. things gotten turn worst again...

went to collect NDP tickets today... got the actual day ticket.. haha.. :P tat guy was like asking me do i know wat tickets i am taking ... i was like stunned and shake my head.. maybe due to not feeling well...getting more and more blur...

things getting more and more jialat for me.. hai~~~but i guess i am hiding inside something which is call friends... to make me slowly standing up... and face the truth...

erm.. surprising thing was like... friendship between me and my friends get stronger.. till now i still couldn't forget wat my friend sms me... FORGET HIM..he is jsut hurting u badly and this is an order from me.. haha.. really stunned... seriously.. tat time at chalet.. really dann sad... but just trying to act tat i am fine n ok.. but jus kana provoked.. went up to the room.. n get some drinks from cheers... i guessed tat was the first them some of them seeing me flare up.. haha..