Monday, February 27, 2006

Last sat, went over to somewhere to stay... hahaa... :P i guess i need a break... had a gd resting time and massage over there..

Sun, was a day to have a fresh start... Spent quite a lot of gocceries bcos i accompany mum's to supermarket... plus she bought a pot of orchid... approximate spending ard $100....

As the start of the day, i had already spent $33 on medical. SHIT!!!!!! Was being asked to watch my diet for the next few days.... sob sob... gastric giving me big problem... the doctor said no curry, no chilli(omg,i eat chilli often leh... )... guess no alcoholic drinks also le...only can eat porridge... tomorrow they going bbq...sob sob... can i eat?? will my gastric take it...

korkor 2 - know him thru louis... hehee... he is very sweet wor..
ytd out of the suddenly, he msg me... told him i am sick.....
he bcome very caring and very sweet.. hehee... :) thanks korkor for coaxing me...

while i msg the other friend for help... he used to be very caring towards to me.. sob sob.. he never reply my msg.. guess wo meng nian peng you duo zuo bu liao le... why u want to lie to me tat u will always be there for me when i need u... hai~~~~~~
hao lei arh... hao lei arh... u been thru me so many things... yet now... ni sheng ye bu jiang jiu zuo le... wo heng ni!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

today supposely to meet kim.. but her friend fail her paper..therefore we had a final decision not to meet up today... since it had been a long time tat i ever met my cousin, i sms her out for dinner.. haha.. she agreed and meet me at woodland.. the feeling of going there is totally different.. but nothing over there also.. had cavana for dinner.. the food was pretty not bad..

as for work, my colleague will be going for his reservice soon and i have to cover part of his work.. omg... ME?? why me?? seriously until now i am still in my wonderland... today actually should have debug a program..ended up.. i only spot one nt tat critcal error... my colleague was being call back though he is at training.. so paiseh.. when the sir is closed.. .boss and he said good work... erm?? wat i done?? scarficing my lunch?? or ??? hai~~ i wondering can i survive thru apirl or not...

as for friendship.. kor called me on tuesday morning... when i am still sleeping.. yawn~~~i am pretty tired due to late working hours on monday.. guess wat he told me.. he met him.. (at the moment, i feel nothing... no feelings at all.. )guess as time passes... feelings can be fade away... should i find one and starts another one?? haha... i am someone who enjoys pamper.. erm... guess not ba.. .learn hw to take care of myself first ba.. still got a few more mths to the downfall of the whole family.. dun wish to play with fire now.. later i can't balance both side... then how?? by then. who can lend me a helping hand ...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

erm..... nowadays been meeting up with my buddies.. always got a few of us...
most of time kl, winston and me will go parkway to buy sashimi.. can said tat nowadays i had a crave for sashimi..

friday, went to sy's 21th birthday.. as usual... i am late... and everyone is waiting for me to cut the cake.. omg.. i felt so embrassed.. immediately i find a corner to hide.... tat taxi uncle did actually advice me to go by PIE.. KPO lah!!! choose ECP!!!!!! arhg!!!!!! go by a big round... then no choice... all my allowance go to cab fare... the most shit thing is i haven finish my work... guess monday sure kana nag liao.. hai~~~~ no choice.. if i can wake up early, then go to work earilier to clear up ba...

sat.... been really tired, guess is bcos i played game till quite late on friday nite... woke up ard 11 plus... planning to go back to office to clear up the stuffs... but really very tired.. these few days been going hm late.. therefore i felt so relunctant to go back.. final decision.. not going back to work.. and stayed at hm to rot. woke up ard 5 plus... actually wanted to jio ester go drink.. hahaa.. but sad to said she never reply my msg.. then went online to post the previous msg..
winston they all are online... asked them out for coffee.. hahaa.. :P and i found out tat they had actually knew tat my gd friend aka banana had a BF.. BCOS SHE IS BEING CAUGHT AT BUGIS!!! HAAHAA!!! She is having a sweet honeymoon now wor... :)
I met the guys and yy for coffee at parkway... as usual, i went to buy sashimi.. jialat... is time to stop... ex sia... ard 10 plus... my gd friend brought her bf down... maybe bcos is the first time we saw him... we are all belong to quite shy pple... tat situation didn't mix well... plus just now at coffee bean, i had bcome a listener to listen other pple's relationship etc.... erm... when i bcome a consultant in relationship?? Maybe a failure gains more experienced... haha.. :P or maybe nowadays i always hang out with them.. kana influnce by them?? After the pool session, yy and kevin went hm due to budget constraint.. while banana n her bf went back home earlier due to curfew... and it left with me and my 3 buddies... my suggestion was to have a chat... hahaa.. we really went for a chat... at first, we target to stop at 12.30... tick tock... tick tock... 1 plus liao... winston posted out a question "Why nt both of you stay at my house?" Both of them agreed.. and we went to buy drinks and contiune till 2am... This outbreak our records... even though at chalet, we dun even have this kind of heart to heart talk before... maybe it proven that our friendship are stronger now.. we can lean on each other when we are sad?? am i right to say tat?? never regret to know this bunch of buddies... though there are more guys than girls... hahaa... tat is the past i had... mixing with different bunch of pple... and i landed up with them.... thanx pals.... hopefully tonite my words are nt too hurting...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Guess i had to explain why i decided to close down the blog....... why i decided to bring it back.. tat nite when i decided brought this blog bcos of my gd friend... she suddenly msg me... asking me.. are u alright? remembered tat i am always for you.. thanks for your word.. really touches my heart deep inside..

As for why i want decided to close this blog... Seriously, min nowadays getting more and more weak.. getting herself numb in work... most of time she been working till quite late or maybe she really have ton of things waiting for her.. or maybe her tears is dropping more than she thoughts.. Too many things pondering in her head..

When she took up this job, she was wondering she might be able to accomplish someone's else dream. But she never knew it is so tought.. My boss was asking me... "If next week, i throw u with more work. Will you quit?" The answer i had in my heart was no.. But i duno how my determination will sticks with me. Very hard to said, i might nt be able to take it. Am i really tat good to deal with programming? Why i am in programming this line? I think my programming sucks..

As for family, i am always being shower love by my parents and my beloved aunts and uncles (mother's side). I am not close with my father's side after my primary school days.... Maybe i am a bit very selfish to celebrate my 21th birthday when my grandpa was still in hospital and i never invite my relatives at all. After so many mths, heart hurts more and more often especially at chinese new year's eve. Maybe i shouldn't be tat kpo to ask abt my grandpa's condition. Now he is just taking injections once every two weeks to fight with cancer. To be very frank, he is at the last stage of cancer. If i didn't remember wrongly, i knew it after i came back from my chalet... He only left with 6 mths when he discharge.. and now he roughly left with 2-3 mths... been really down tat day on cny's eve... been trying very hard to bring back myself after cny's eve...

As for relationship, i been a totally failure... i did try very hard to forget abt him and gradually i had lost contact with him. Guess we had nt been really contact for almost a year. I will always remember those very sweet memories. Whenever i received a msg from him, it will always be the time he going to board the plane and left sg. Still remembered wat u told me before... when u graduate, u hope to go overseas to work.. Good luck..

As for friends aka my buddies, thanks... there is nothing much, i want to said.. thanks for always being there for me.. but dun blame me tat why i dun want to share.. maybe being too long with u all.. i really dunno how to said it out... tat day when we having lunch at MS... my mood is nt very gd.. u all did cheer me up.. thanks.....

Feel really tired to struggle in this kind of life.. but i believe i will turn the situation back..

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

erm... Something i did not add in.......... Kor is back.............
he been asking me about him...... didn't really wan to answer tat.. but i know he will be there for me when i need him can le.. dun dare to ask for too much.. bcos kor and him are my best buddies.. guess two of you know me too well le....... till slowly u all leave in my memories..

i saw jil aka jiefu last sat at bugis.. normally, i will pick up my phone and msg him.. but i did not.. and choose to walk away.. when i am at the bus-stop, i sense tat u are there.. but i duno whether my sixth sense is correct or not.. Guess the mystery between the four of us should have stop.. and everyone is walking towards different direction..........

Monday, February 06, 2006

On CNY's eve, i went to watch to fearless. It doesn't seem to be ended as a happy outing.

CNY first day, went to grandparents house. Guess this year, i break the traditional rules. I gave red packets to my grandparents instead of them giving to me. Therefore can consider as i am quite poor.. plus tat day, i lose 30 plus to my cousins. Can u imagine tat i gamble till headache and went back home to sleep... hahaaa.. :P guess the day before cried too much...

CNY second day, went to my auntie's house. AGAIN break the rule, my grandma received a hongbao from me which cost $50. Guess this year i am broke, young lady just came out to work yet had to give out almost $100 of hongbao for two days... luckily i haven get married yet.. hahaa.. :P

On the third day, i met my buddies... sad to said, banana is LATE!!! Yawnz~~~~ i woke up at 10 and slept at 2 plus.. seriously, i am pretty tired tat day when i went out... it was considered as very early for me..... met win downstair and took bus with him.. therefore i am not late.... hahaha!!!!!!!!! Finally i had a chance to eat at Changing Appettite. The food consider nt bad.. i liked the grilled sotong which i took from soo yuan.. tried joanna's teriyaki chicken --> ok lah ... but the drink she ordered was considered as VERY big portion for her.. Too bad my girlfriend, Mr Gary, fled off the next day.... She very bad sia, always jio me go drinking..

On the fourth and fifth day, back to work till almost dead.. always left office reaching 9.... Hai~~~ should have left at 9, then i claim.. but... nvm lah..

On the Sixth, took a half day leave... Grandpa was back to hospital...... while i brought mum to sentosa flowers 2006.. guess everyone are tired and need a rest.. so brought her out to walk walk.. though i will be going there the next day also...

On seventh, met almost all my cousins to sentosa.. This is the first time tat most of us can make it on time. AND SUPRISING!!! I managed to reach there the earilest. SHIT!!! I walked ard World Trade Centre alone!! Guess wat! IT WAS AN EARLY OUTING!!!! Seriously, i really bcome panda already... 10am at world trade centre and went to had macdonald breakfast.. We took quite a lot of photos, guess i will be developing the photos soon... After tat outing, all of us went back home to sleep.. BUT as for me, i went to bugis to meet my mum and my aunt to accompany them to temple.. Very coincident, i met my uncle and aunt while my mum was having her lunch.. Followed by my aunt's husband.. Erm.. how come it had bcome so coincident.... and i had to follow 5 adults to selegie to see the draw of 4d results. Followed by Chingay 2006 at orchard.. my mum and i left ard 8 due to i am completely exhausted.........

On the eight, i met win and KL for dinner.. We went to Kallang Airport for Western Food.. Heee.. Too bad, yy was having nite shift while kaiwong nt feeling well...the rest of them are either too far or they need to book in..... After tat we went to Parkway to buy sushi and we bought sashimi.. WOW~~~ Tat's my favourite.. Seriously, i really love it..... We had a long chat downstair till raining heavily and i even met my ex-colleague.. hahaa... :P

They planned to have yu sheng this coming friday.. wahaha.. dun worry... i will help u all to finish the sashimi.. while u all have the vegetable... hahahaaa... :P

Sunday, February 05, 2006

2006 / 02 / 05
心  情: 今天特別希望能有人了解你。
愛  情: 不要老是疑神疑鬼,會把情人逼瘋。
財  運: 買個小禮物情人,讓兩人的感情加溫。
工  作: 適時伸出援手,拉進同事間的關係。

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Imagine i had been staring at the PC for half an hour thinking abt wat should i post? Happy or Sad memories/moments? Guess maybe i am too tired, i need a rest or a break... or maybe step out of sg for a while... Things been changing every moment, while my mind tends to stop at a certain period of time. Deep inside me, there is a very sharp pain tat will hurts me once in the blue moon. Things never had go well these few years. No matter wat happened, i had already struggled thru. But i started to realise tat i had bcome a stranger to myself. Been asking myself, who am i? I believe tat the next few months will be the toughest month tat i will be going to encounter for this year. Hate and Love makes me really very restless and tired... While as for work, guess is time for me to be more serious.

You really make me very troubled.. I hate you but my heart become soften. Is it bcos you are fighting with the time now? or is the sharp pain tat causes my tears to roll down so easily and felt so troubled.