Sunday, February 19, 2006

erm..... nowadays been meeting up with my buddies.. always got a few of us...
most of time kl, winston and me will go parkway to buy sashimi.. can said tat nowadays i had a crave for sashimi..

friday, went to sy's 21th birthday.. as usual... i am late... and everyone is waiting for me to cut the cake.. omg.. i felt so embrassed.. immediately i find a corner to hide.... tat taxi uncle did actually advice me to go by PIE.. KPO lah!!! choose ECP!!!!!! arhg!!!!!! go by a big round... then no choice... all my allowance go to cab fare... the most shit thing is i haven finish my work... guess monday sure kana nag liao.. hai~~~~ no choice.. if i can wake up early, then go to work earilier to clear up ba...

sat.... been really tired, guess is bcos i played game till quite late on friday nite... woke up ard 11 plus... planning to go back to office to clear up the stuffs... but really very tired.. these few days been going hm late.. therefore i felt so relunctant to go back.. final decision.. not going back to work.. and stayed at hm to rot. woke up ard 5 plus... actually wanted to jio ester go drink.. hahaa.. but sad to said she never reply my msg.. then went online to post the previous msg..
winston they all are online... asked them out for coffee.. hahaa.. :P and i found out tat they had actually knew tat my gd friend aka banana had a BF.. BCOS SHE IS BEING CAUGHT AT BUGIS!!! HAAHAA!!! She is having a sweet honeymoon now wor... :)
I met the guys and yy for coffee at parkway... as usual, i went to buy sashimi.. jialat... is time to stop... ex sia... ard 10 plus... my gd friend brought her bf down... maybe bcos is the first time we saw him... we are all belong to quite shy pple... tat situation didn't mix well... plus just now at coffee bean, i had bcome a listener to listen other pple's relationship etc.... erm... when i bcome a consultant in relationship?? Maybe a failure gains more experienced... haha.. :P or maybe nowadays i always hang out with them.. kana influnce by them?? After the pool session, yy and kevin went hm due to budget constraint.. while banana n her bf went back home earlier due to curfew... and it left with me and my 3 buddies... my suggestion was to have a chat... hahaa.. we really went for a chat... at first, we target to stop at 12.30... tick tock... tick tock... 1 plus liao... winston posted out a question "Why nt both of you stay at my house?" Both of them agreed.. and we went to buy drinks and contiune till 2am... This outbreak our records... even though at chalet, we dun even have this kind of heart to heart talk before... maybe it proven that our friendship are stronger now.. we can lean on each other when we are sad?? am i right to say tat?? never regret to know this bunch of buddies... though there are more guys than girls... hahaa... tat is the past i had... mixing with different bunch of pple... and i landed up with them.... thanx pals.... hopefully tonite my words are nt too hurting...

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