Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Imagine i had been staring at the PC for half an hour thinking abt wat should i post? Happy or Sad memories/moments? Guess maybe i am too tired, i need a rest or a break... or maybe step out of sg for a while... Things been changing every moment, while my mind tends to stop at a certain period of time. Deep inside me, there is a very sharp pain tat will hurts me once in the blue moon. Things never had go well these few years. No matter wat happened, i had already struggled thru. But i started to realise tat i had bcome a stranger to myself. Been asking myself, who am i? I believe tat the next few months will be the toughest month tat i will be going to encounter for this year. Hate and Love makes me really very restless and tired... While as for work, guess is time for me to be more serious.

You really make me very troubled.. I hate you but my heart become soften. Is it bcos you are fighting with the time now? or is the sharp pain tat causes my tears to roll down so easily and felt so troubled.

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