Thursday, February 23, 2006

today supposely to meet kim.. but her friend fail her paper..therefore we had a final decision not to meet up today... since it had been a long time tat i ever met my cousin, i sms her out for dinner.. haha.. she agreed and meet me at woodland.. the feeling of going there is totally different.. but nothing over there also.. had cavana for dinner.. the food was pretty not bad..

as for work, my colleague will be going for his reservice soon and i have to cover part of his work.. omg... ME?? why me?? seriously until now i am still in my wonderland... today actually should have debug a program..ended up.. i only spot one nt tat critcal error... my colleague was being call back though he is at training.. so paiseh.. when the sir is closed.. .boss and he said good work... erm?? wat i done?? scarficing my lunch?? or ??? hai~~ i wondering can i survive thru apirl or not...

as for friendship.. kor called me on tuesday morning... when i am still sleeping.. yawn~~~i am pretty tired due to late working hours on monday.. guess wat he told me.. he met him.. (at the moment, i feel nothing... no feelings at all.. )guess as time passes... feelings can be fade away... should i find one and starts another one?? haha... i am someone who enjoys pamper.. erm... guess not ba.. .learn hw to take care of myself first ba.. still got a few more mths to the downfall of the whole family.. dun wish to play with fire now.. later i can't balance both side... then how?? by then. who can lend me a helping hand ...

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