Monday, February 06, 2006

On CNY's eve, i went to watch to fearless. It doesn't seem to be ended as a happy outing.

CNY first day, went to grandparents house. Guess this year, i break the traditional rules. I gave red packets to my grandparents instead of them giving to me. Therefore can consider as i am quite poor.. plus tat day, i lose 30 plus to my cousins. Can u imagine tat i gamble till headache and went back home to sleep... hahaaa.. :P guess the day before cried too much...

CNY second day, went to my auntie's house. AGAIN break the rule, my grandma received a hongbao from me which cost $50. Guess this year i am broke, young lady just came out to work yet had to give out almost $100 of hongbao for two days... luckily i haven get married yet.. hahaa.. :P

On the third day, i met my buddies... sad to said, banana is LATE!!! Yawnz~~~~ i woke up at 10 and slept at 2 plus.. seriously, i am pretty tired tat day when i went out... it was considered as very early for me..... met win downstair and took bus with him.. therefore i am not late.... hahaha!!!!!!!!! Finally i had a chance to eat at Changing Appettite. The food consider nt bad.. i liked the grilled sotong which i took from soo yuan.. tried joanna's teriyaki chicken --> ok lah ... but the drink she ordered was considered as VERY big portion for her.. Too bad my girlfriend, Mr Gary, fled off the next day.... She very bad sia, always jio me go drinking..

On the fourth and fifth day, back to work till almost dead.. always left office reaching 9.... Hai~~~ should have left at 9, then i claim.. but... nvm lah..

On the Sixth, took a half day leave... Grandpa was back to hospital...... while i brought mum to sentosa flowers 2006.. guess everyone are tired and need a rest.. so brought her out to walk walk.. though i will be going there the next day also...

On seventh, met almost all my cousins to sentosa.. This is the first time tat most of us can make it on time. AND SUPRISING!!! I managed to reach there the earilest. SHIT!!! I walked ard World Trade Centre alone!! Guess wat! IT WAS AN EARLY OUTING!!!! Seriously, i really bcome panda already... 10am at world trade centre and went to had macdonald breakfast.. We took quite a lot of photos, guess i will be developing the photos soon... After tat outing, all of us went back home to sleep.. BUT as for me, i went to bugis to meet my mum and my aunt to accompany them to temple.. Very coincident, i met my uncle and aunt while my mum was having her lunch.. Followed by my aunt's husband.. Erm.. how come it had bcome so coincident.... and i had to follow 5 adults to selegie to see the draw of 4d results. Followed by Chingay 2006 at orchard.. my mum and i left ard 8 due to i am completely exhausted.........

On the eight, i met win and KL for dinner.. We went to Kallang Airport for Western Food.. Heee.. Too bad, yy was having nite shift while kaiwong nt feeling well...the rest of them are either too far or they need to book in..... After tat we went to Parkway to buy sushi and we bought sashimi.. WOW~~~ Tat's my favourite.. Seriously, i really love it..... We had a long chat downstair till raining heavily and i even met my ex-colleague.. hahaa... :P

They planned to have yu sheng this coming friday.. wahaha.. dun worry... i will help u all to finish the sashimi.. while u all have the vegetable... hahahaaa... :P

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