Thursday, March 22, 2007

being childish and immature..

being immature and childish, i lose another good friend of mine.. maybe this will be a better way for him.. i dun have to let him worry for me.. which this is what he does since he know me in sec school.. i know hw much he pamper and take care me like a little sister.. how much tears i had dropped in front of him.. i hope tat this time round.. i will learn how to pick up from where i fall down.. be a better person.. maybe next time when he sees me on the street.. he will thinks that i have grown up.. at least he will feel happier ba.. just that now i really need a period alone.. thinking where should i head and what should i do..

yesterday, i met up with my gd friends.. they shared some secrets in among themselves which are things that are pretty alien to me.. seriously i feel really terrible.. used to be so good friends.. ended up become like that.. after movie, i find an excuse and leave.. on the way back, i am thinking.. guess nextime i have to siam more gathering and bcome loner le ba.. Nobody is perfect.. or the world won't change to suit you.. maybe i also won't change to suit u? just tat.. if u really got secrets to share among yourself.. i rather i dunno anything and heard anything.. you can have the gathering and leave it out.. if u all really got things to discuss about.. i shouldn't have rush there after work.. i had been really very tired after battling at work... and that is wat i get.. sigh~~~~

Does friendship really does?

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