Sunday, March 18, 2007


Finally.. i make up my decision... decided to put everything aside and make a decision.. if it really happened, guess there won't be any holidays for me, no more drinking session, no more clubbing, no more chill out. must be a good girl everyday le..

Last Tuesday, i went to watch Music and Lyrics. Haha.. got a pair of tickets, yet i did not know who to ask to accompany me to watch the movie.. guess this is crazy..

Wednesday, i went to cafe de vine to have my lunch.. miss the spaghetti so much and i am craving for it. the standard is still ok and still taste delicious as it was. but sadly things are not the same as in the past.

After work, i went out with my colleagues to celebrate one of their birthday. Seems like sun with moon is a place where go often. Haha.. I like the food and atmosphere there. Furthermore, we were late cos we make a reservation at 7.30 but we left office at 7pm. While we go for shopping spree before we went for our dinner. In the end, there is only VIP rooms left. No choice, they had to give us the VIP rooms while quite of lot of pple are still outside queuing for seats. Luckily, we made a reservation a day ago. Tofu Cheesecake become a MUST for us. In the end, we had difficulties to finish up our dinner except one of colleagues finished up everything. Actually we suppose to meet up on friday but we cancelled it due to i am going to st james while another friend going to comfort one of my another colleague cos her father's passed away nt long ago...

hai~~ life is so short.. when he said he going to go.. he just leave u without telling.. :'(

haha.. i overslept in the bus and i struggled to walk back.. guess i am really damn tired..

thursday :
I went to Giant at Tampines with my parents. Wow.. so big.. haha..

Friday :
Yeah~~ i went to st james.. to bio ta bor.. hahaa..

Saturday :
I went JB for shopping spree.. hahaha.. after tat i went to vivo to meet my friends.. we actually wanted to go cafe de mal.. but ended one of them fly kite.. haha.. in the end, we still went cafe de mal.. i like the place.. guess i am really tired.. i almost fell asleep there.. In the end, we left there ard 3.. reached home ard 3 plus and i took a cab which costs more than 20 bucks to reach home.. *faint*.. broke liao lah..

omg.. next wk.. my boss come back le... guess i am going to have a tuff time again..shit..

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