Monday, March 26, 2007

A sweet memories that i used to have..

Erm... I don't really have a very big networking but i can't deny that i have a quite a good bunch of friends around me.

After i wrote finished the previous post and post it out, i received a call from him. I didn't really got the courage to pick up. I let it rang for a few times, because i scare when i picked up the phone.. @!@!$#!@!@!@ will be what i am hearing.. But i called him back using office phone. What i heard is totally opposite... A voice where i had never heard it ages ago.. He never dropped his tears in front of me at all.. Only that time when his father passed away. That is the only time he collaspe and cried in front of me. Guys are always like this. They don't want to said anything out, only wait till a day that they can't take it. Then burst it out. I rather you tell me what happened, than trying to be happy in front of me. Brother, i know you more than 10 years le. We used to be so close, i told you everything. Promise me, next time dun give up that easily. Anything happened, i will be there for you. Just like what you did for me in the past.. :)

Nanny, i can't deny that you had been walking me through my life for the past few years. You really treats me very well which i really tot nothing at all.. haha.. now.. i know your good points le.. haha.. deliver prata to me late at nite, my resume to me before i go to this shitty company to work... accompany me to celebrate through my birthday.. accompany me watch movies that i want to watch, sometimes i might be causing you watching twice. never knoe that i had been that dependent on you. really thanks.. helping me to lie to my parents that i was watching movie while actually i am clubbing.. plus thanks for your patient.. i am always late.. when i meet you after work.. you had never throw your temper on me.. just show me a black face.. but a while later.. you will be fine.. I wished you and your gf the best..

Most of you are attached already.. Feel happy for you all..

everyone jia you..

this song is for you all de..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.