Thursday, March 08, 2007


today i went to changi hospital for a check up.. took abt more than 2 hrs or even more.. seriously.. is really painful.. i am trying very hard to bear with it.. till a point tat tears dropped down.. then the doctor asked me.. painful.. i said ya.. he said sorry.. hahaa.. such a sweet doctor sia... had a small crush on him.. wahahaa.. jia lat arh... :P

been disturbing nanny.. during the period.. when i realised that the guy sitting beside me got more than one hour plus of checkup.. i been always very timid.. very scare of hospital.. i can't step in there alone de.. wow.. but is really scary.. been shivering outside the waiting room... till the doctor called my name.. i was like.. "oh my god..." he brought to another room.. asked me lie down and dun move my head.. while he and the nurse discussing of something else.. my mind was like telling me.. is it referring to me.. i need to hospitalised.. omg.. but.. in a while later.. i realized they are not talking abt me.. he told me.. if within one year.. still not recover.. call back and make an appointment and do checkup again.. actually the nurse want to send me for audio checkup but ended up... the doctor said dun need.. just take extra care can le.. hahaa... :P

read my gd friend's blog just now.. realised that she is in love nw.. happy for her.. :) wow.. all my gd friends in love le.. then me leh..

as for me and my dear.. i also dunno.. been avoiding his calls nor sms ever since that monday breakdown.. seriously.. is really painful till i cried for the whole nite.. but.. i really dunno.. maybe i need someone to be at my side.. not someone tat faraway.. cos i got no security? or bcos i feel guilty... i dunno.. i feel very puzzled.. really envy my friends now.. all in love le.. even my colleagues also wor..

when will my prince charming coming.. i also want to dependent on someone.. i feel really tired to walk alone le... or maybe i really very weak.. always need someone to support me.. hahaa.. :P

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