Monday, March 05, 2007


erm.... last thursday.. till a point that i can't take it anymore.. took a few hours off, went back home to see doctor.. took a medicine and knock out.. wake up ard 9 plus to run my job till late nite again~~ seems like these few nites, i had been doing tat..
the doctor refer to changi hospital to see specialist... i... hai~~ feel a bit.. up and down ba.. the clinic assistant actually the appointment should be ard april but she called me up ytd morning.. woke me up ard 10 plus.. i had made an appointment for you on this coming thursday at 11am. -_-'''' is my situation getting worst? or i getting infection.. mum asked me to go GP, don't go to see specialist but i had been seeing so many times of doctor tat it doesn't work.. i feel really sian.. and frustrated... hai~~
just the starting of the year, this kind of stuff happening on me..

last friday just kana niao by my boss.. super sian~~ feel like quitting.. i.... hai~~~
or i need a rest again.. feel so sickening to work under her.. my colleagues told me that we going to change boss.. i sort of pity her.. but i guess it will never happened.. cos i think my director quite biased. she is the one controlling it, if she said dun want to change, who will go against her? i wondering can i tahan bcos of the seek of the money tat i can get after my contract? but i guess i can't tahan..
From now till 14 nov, it is still a long long long long way to go..

wondering tml, i am going to tell my big boss that i need to apply leave to see specialist.. will he .... me.. or unhappy.. but the problem is... if i dun get it recover asap, i might suffer infection.. and it might cause me to be deaf.. i will never be able to hear beautiful music, no more KTV, no more movies... guess by then, i will be super depress... dun even want to talk to anyone..

i had been ignoring dear for about wk.. and he had been complaining.. i.. i feel guilty..

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