Thursday, April 10, 2008

I had changed already?

Erm.. i met korkor on last monday, did a stupid thing, accompany him to take bus from Parkway to Boon Lay. And from Boon Lay take 105 to Orchard and take 111 to City Hall just to take cab back home. Bcos i had miss last bus back hm.. ARGH~~ Tat day i really spend a lot of cab.. ARGH~~~ haiz~~ On the way, i msg brother.. Haha... Never knew that brother that take cares of me... Hahaa.. Really touch sia.. lol.. :X Haha... I will not disclose what i had told him for the past few days.. If you are reading this post.. I would like to said thank you.. Haha.. From someone who i not close at all to become my brother... I guess, u will still prefer that don't know me at all. I am such a troublesome person.. Lol.. :P Did a lot of silly stuffs in front of you too.. Hahaa.. Luckily, you never betray me... lol.. :P or u had betray me le yet i dunno... :X

From Parkway to Boon Lay, seriously if you are asking me whether i am happy during the journey. Since it had been a long time that you have met korkor. Haha.. I can tell you i am very pissed off during the journey. You asked me to come out is talk about your future not my past. The past that i had with him is already over. I really enjoyed the moments now that we all had separated. I am not going to stop at that point of the moment for three years. Seriously, these three years, had you really be with me, no.. Every time i meet you, you had changed my impression. I can tell you now.. Ya, i admit i never cherish him.. So? What can i do to change the facts? There is no way to change the facts le.. I had lose him, this is the fact. I believe both of us had lose this friendship away too. Both of you had given me a beautiful past memory. Let's stop digging out the past whether who treats who good.. who never cherish who.. Is already in the past. K is leading very gd now. I think i am also leading very gd now.. why still wants to pursue whether last time i never cherish k or not? i guess k and i dun wish to mention the past now. If can, we still can be friends but not that close anymore. I think i am big enuff to settle problems between me and k.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow .... u never mention that on the bus trip,the 30000 words that you keep yelling at me regarding my decision making , the only reason i used K is cause to prevent you from yelling another 3000o words god... how can you project me as mean n heartless that only keep digging ppl's past