Friday, July 01, 2005

hai~~~ yesterday went out with banana n yy... hehe... three girls outing again... lolo.. :P the guys are out.. lalala.. since they are still in the army... actually we wanted to catch intial D but... we missed it.. due to... TOO POPULAR... when i reached there... the tickets was like all sold out.. hai~~~ sad sia... too bad... AGAIN i went back to cartel have my lunch n AGAIN i had my grilled chicken.. but this time round i ordered a set.. had our girls chat... hehe.. yesterday me and joanna was talking abt "who will be our Mr. right guy", lights off again.. hai~~ power failure.. but it did not affects us at all.. lolo.. :P we even went for neoprints... haha.... maybe should post it out hor.. i got yy's multiple take first.. then.. .post it ba..

just now when i was on my way back to office.. i met jasmine at citylink... erm.. pretty coincidence... last week i met lydia and wenjun.. and after tat i went to ps to meet ester plus jasmine.. erm.. this week i met jasmine... but tomorrow i going to meet my poly friends... hehe... :P seems quite long never meet them liao... haha... but later i going down bugis... ciao~~ everyone...