Friday, March 31, 2006

i feel tired.. dun ever asked me abt friends.. guess maybe i am very selfish.. but i feel very tired le.. guess maybe i hoping to see like ester they all shower me with caring ba.. bcos at home.. been struggling nt to drop a single tears in front of my parents.. of cos outside hopes tat everything will work..

at work.. dun dare to deny tat boss did give me all the help she can le.. guess is time for me to buck up..

as for friends..seriously i dun dare to ask for too much .. maybe just a dinner or just a concern.. or maybe i am too greedy le.. or i haven found someone who understand me well.. felt so painful today..

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

ytd met a quite gd friend for dinner.. he brought me to a cafe called miss clarity.. erm.. they food there nt bad.. and considered quite cheap. 1 set meal only cost $8.80..i told him a story between me and someone else who gave min this nickname.. seriously in the life of min, she met a lot of pple.. guess she give pple a mystery feelings, pple might said i know u too well.. i dunno whether is tat truth, bcos she herself dun even know who is she deep..

i met creater of min when i first entered poly... dun need to say.. everyone know abt him including my parents plus my cousins.. everyone known him as 'ATM', caring, super nice guy.. mum always nagged at me said i am too fierce towards him... hahaa.. of cos not to be surprise.. i got him and jil to help me when i am in first year poly... i can't deny both of them are good.. but maybe fate is fooling me.. i ended to like one of them.. of cos jil had bcome my jiefu but he and jiejie broke up last year le.. guess everyone are nt surprise by the ending of the story between min n him. hahaa... he got to know min personal life too.. the friends tat min always hang around.. though he did not meet them before.. of cos he got to know some of them also... both of them had put a full stop in story. guess he did left me a very sweet moments as well as the cold war which i hate it a lot..

i met my nanny when i lost my cousin.. supposely to meet them after work at cartel..i ended up with ester they all for drinking session.. of cos some other stuffs too(not very gd to mention them sia.. ) i had my supper at mr bean instead of ba chou mee at joo chiat.. Suppose to meet them when i reached home but i turned out to fly aeroplane.. therefore of cos i got the naggings and etc.. and kana sabo by them.. someone appearing at my back when i was talking on the phone.. though i am a bit drunk, i can still remember everything vividly. i told him i am going home to vomit.. guess tat time was ard 3 plus.. or 4 plus.. in the morning.. of cos once i reached home, i vomit out everything and took a bath.. finally back to bed.. guess i msg them before sleep bcos they are still playing daidee at downstair.. hahaa.. he defintely bcome a nice guy in my dictionary which is i never told him tat before.. guess tat will wat yy thinking abt.. though she never asked me abt... he helped me to print my resume when i am going for interview the day before.. therefore he got to know my school life.. guess he is nt the first one... someone before him actually edited my resume long time ago when resume suppose to be assignment.. delivery of prata during my chalet when i seeking help.. anyway he always on the way mah.. haha.. but of cos we waited for prata until we almost fall asleep..

maybe min is just a very innocent girl or in another way round she hopes to land into a fairy tale story.. guess the first person had teaches her a lesson.. when someone being so nice to u.. it doesn't mean anything.. just tat he is throwing his sypamthy towards u.. of cos.. she chose nt to have anything with the second guy.. bcos she know he is a very nice guy.. (hahaa.. guess it should be another way.. the guy won't fall her.. bcos she is like pocupine (who hurts pple when pple touches her).. )

while another bunch of pple who will going to be my colleagues.. not to mention my two bosses from different company.. i might considered myself lucky tat i landed up in this team. they are a bunch of happening guys and girls plus very energetic.. they did give me the forces to go back to work and trying to make myself stronger.. thank you everyone..

seriously min considered herself very lucky.. she always got someone to help her or pull her up when she at her down side of life.. last time ester they all to help her to relieve stress after school.. of cos the negative side was to take cab from toa payoh back to home.. now.. she will try to walk alone in the further of her story...

Monday, March 27, 2006

can said tat min had lose herself in this incident.. seriously it come too suddenly tat min can't even react to the reality..

i shall contiune my story from here... last thursday, we sent him thru his last journey. we followed the traditional chinese custom, he was ceremated instead of buried.. we wore socks on our feet and walked all the way to parkway parade.. then we boarded a bus to mandai... first reached mandai, my feeling was "WOW, so high tech sia.." The atmosphere changed immediately.. we proceeded to hall 3.. they even had notice to inform pple who will be using the hall.. the priest conducted his last ceremony before the coffin is heading to ceremate room.. after that we headed to viewing gallery to see grandpa for the very last time.. when the coffin was on the machine slowly moving.. we all burst into tears and kept calling our grandfather or father.. the door closed.. while there is a crazy guy took a pic of wat happened in the room.. i wondering is he crazy.. can't he see tat all of us are down.. that is nt the right moment to take pic.. everyone collasped at the moment when we proceed out of the viewing hall.. everyone cried... we removed our socks and 'dai xiao'... wear back our slippers and board the bus back to grandma's house.. she did not follow us to mandai..... we had our lunch there.. everyone of us had to use "flower water" to wash our face and hair. after tat use scissor to cut away part of our hair.. after tat, we went up to grandma's house.. of cos bills defintely come after next.. the most scarely thing is tat i dunno a funeral cost tat much.. it is like a bomb... total expense = ard 31K.. omg.. only five days... hai~~~ guess it is just a respect from them to their father..

today is my grandpa's birthday.. on sat, i went over to granny's house.. she mentioning tat grandpa actually planned to have steamboat this coming weekend.. but everything is too late.. he had already gone to somewhere far away from us... when i am small, we always go east coast udmc seafood there for dinner whenever grandpa or grandma celebrating mother's day or father's day or birthday.. now.. last year, we went to bedok there for dinner.. my cousin bought a cake for him on tat day.. tat day was the first time tat we had cake during birthday celebration..

life is always full of turning point.. my grandpa did actually help me to turn my point of life.. during PSLE tat year, i actually fall sick during PSLE period.. never expect to go to which stream or which seconday schools.. i got into my fourth choice which is BN.. dun ask me why i choose there.. i dun even know.. my parents started to get worry and they decided to get me out of there and changed to the sec school which is nearer to me.. actually my application was being rejected.. but somehow he got me into tat seconday school.. and my life changes from tat moment.. i got to know the bunch of buddies.. (though i admit they are really very guai.. ) i got edusave every year.. (this is a surprise bcos i dun study hard..) if without him, i would be able to know this bunch of friends.. or maybe my life will turn out another way..

Friday, March 24, 2006

things didn't went the same especially the last day of the funeral. priest was going around the coffin and we followed him behind.. he covered the coffin and there go my grandpa.. everyone start crying

Sunday, March 19, 2006

friday.. though i was falling sick, i still went to work... though i got mc, i never submit.. i was struggling with my work and my tears dropped.. jialat.. guess maybe when i am sick, i am very emotional.. after work, i went marina bay to find yy they all for steamboat.. then after tat, we headed home..

saturday...feel so sick.. but i took medicine... during afternoon, grandpa admitted hospital... as all of us know, he had already reached the last stage of cancer... when i saw him tat day, he had already lost all his strength... he can't walk anymore.. bounded to the bed... he had a full dinner tat nite.. he was so pale..

sunday.. he passed away in the morning le... ard 10 plus.. when hospital called my dad, they told him faster come and see him for the last time.. when i woke up, is already 1... then we rushed down to my granny's house... they just came back from hospital, everyone cried until very jialat... the funniest thing is i never dropped a tear.. but i just feel very stunned.. been shivering for the whole day... a lot of us, still couldn't react to wat the reality had hitted us. my dad cried.... he always very respect his father.. now he passed away.. guess it is a very big blow for him.. the only thing now i can do is to look after my parents...

tomorrow will be going back to office to apply for leave.. guess tuesday will be back to work.. then wednesday n thursday take leave again..

Sunday, March 12, 2006

erm.. this week...quite ok, not like wat i expected but there are times i am still blur blur.... lol... :P guess my brain had been stop functioning.. now need to get my brain to wake up, wake up...

friday, i went to have a drink at balcony with my friends... was pretty nt bad.. but maybe i felt a bit bored or bcos i dun like to sit on high chairs.. or maybe i prefer it to have a live band... hehee...

sat, went to IT fair.. heheee..spent quite a lot bcos i bought myself a LCD... lol... guess changing of phone must postpone le.. otherwise this mth, i am broke....

hehee...later going to catch shaggy doggy... lol... :P


chou gary...told me he will tell me the story but idiot.. never tell me..hai~~~~~
HE GOT A GF LE!!!! Things getting more and more mystery... getting more and more blur... guess i am old le... But congras lah.. of cos i want to see how your girl girl looks like... lol.... :P next time u are dead... i will ask u more abt her.... bleahz... :P

hehee.. my gd friends seems like all at the suddenly all attached.. except yy,kaiwong,kelvin, soo yuan (i think he should be soon too le... ) :P
wo zhu fu ni meng... :)

yy u all must jia you.. faster find one also... heheee..

chou anton, suan me...said i am like a baby... .arg!!!!!!!!

ok... they all quite sweet.. consider luckily tat i gt this bunch of friends... :P

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

caught a korean movie today... i realise that it had a very sweet plot. erm.. wat it came across my mind was "when will i have such a sweet ending of relationship?" min never learnt to cherish things ard her... only when the very last min or when things started to disappear in her life... seriously life do give me a very big impact... saw things between jiefu and jiejie... are u all still friends?? guess nope ba.. seems like nothing maintaining the same, just me standing alone in the rain.. hoping tat things dun change.. things will be always the same.. who dun like to be shower with pamper and care.. just tat the person who shower u with pamper and care, is he the right one? is he the one u looking for? nobody knows it only at the moment u decided to proceed to another stage with him ba.. as for me, i can't even overcome the barrier of the death.. how can i overcome the rest.. a bit feel discomfortable as i do not know when the worst is occuring. Everyday been living in mystery, i will never know wat is happening next. guess i am sick and tired of this kind of life...
monday was down...hai~~~ sad sia... morning already feel very giddy but never expect a lunch at japanese resturant made me felt worst.. vomitted all the food i ate.. hai~~~guess my brain had stopped at the point when i vomitted twice.. trying to act strong but nothing seems to work... at the end, finally asked my reporting officer for urgent leave and took cab to see doctor...

doctor : "How are u feeling today?"
min : "I vomitted twice today?"
doctor : "HAR!!!!!!!!! Are you pregnant???"
min : "OMG!!! No no!!! just tat my gastric is too acidic for the past one week"
doctor : "oic, let me have do a check up for u. Don't eat spicy, oily food.. Best is to eat kuay teow soup or plain porridge."
doctor : "Why u come so late to see doctor?"
min : "bcos i work.... "
doctor : "ok... i give u two days of mc. Take a gd rest at hm"
min : "ok... thanks doctor"

I stepped out of the room and walked to the pharmacy to drop my prescription. While waiting at the counter to make payment. I saw the MC and was written as TEO XXXX XXXX.. OMG!!!! Luckily i never blur blur and leave the clinic. I went back to ROOM 13, knock at the door and inform her tat she give me a wrong mc. wat she said is sorry and reprint my mc.. heng.. never submit to my head, otherwise i will ask for questioning le. Actually wanted to ask whether did she gave me the wrong medicine but in the end i forget abt it.. while making payment at the counter, the counter lady kept complaining that she couldn't see well at the screen... doh...

** Next time when u go polyclinic to see doctor, though it is cheaper and it takes u abt 1 hour to see doctor. REMEMBER to check your receipt, MC and medicines carefully!! in case the doctor makes a mistake...

When i am in office, kim came down and visit.. i feel so touched.. thanks.. wo ai si ni le.... :)

actually this weekend, planning to have buffet with them but guess i will nt go... dun really feel like eating much nowadays... but this weekend, i want to go IT fair... who want to pei wo go?? guess nobody ba.. maybe i go alone.. hahaha... :P impossible... min nt tat independent.. is either she find someone to go with her or she will never go alone.. lol.. :P

Sunday, March 05, 2006

as for next week... my colleague going for reservice.. things started to come towards me... hahaa... i am like a newborn baby.. i dunno anything... i planned to revise everything tomorrow... will tat be possible?

monday... fall sick.... on mc..
tuesday... supposely to be on mc.. but bcos they going bbq... i chose to go to work of BBQ... hahaa.. but gastric did nt stop me from eating... guess wat is to eat medicine... lol.. and i drink.... but when i reached hm... omg...gastric starts to give me problem...
wednesday... nthing much happened... went back hm ard 8 plus... bcos of ****** (my company's name) superstart... my colleague partcipate in the competition.. no choice lah... must support mah... guess my team is super happening sia... but i nt really tat close with my colleagues..
thursday... actually my colleague they all planning to have paris international buffet at nite... but had cancelled it due to one of them need to work late... erm... ended up i worked late too.. no choice... got to eat medicine to tahan liao... and my colleague starts to hand over things to me.. (omg.. tmr neeed to revise le.. otherwise my short-term memory will starts to forget things... )
friday...actually wanted to meet kelvin,yy and winston they all... but felt very tired... bcos of thursday late nite... therefore i headed hm to sleep... lol... :P
saturday... met my friend for shopping, movie spree... shit... i m spending a lot today... i had japanese ice-cream today..yummy... is a new shop open at marina square.. joyce caught me at ms but guess my eyes got problem lah... i didn't see her at all... guess she must be there with her boiboi... i actually dated xiao didi out for sashimi... lol.. :P yy said tat someone is addicted to be frank, my gastric can't take take spicy and too acidic stuffs.. but i am still having it... lol..guess one day, i will fall sick soon.... i took cab after i left orchard... guess wat... the guys are bullying me... they said i was late for an hour.. erm..

Time : 9pm
Venue : Parkway

Time tat i reached
Time: 10pm
Venue : Parkway, Mos burger...

omg... start to get nagging (predicted) sob sob.. my heels spolit le... yy even more worst than me.. she reached there at 10.45.. i guess this bunch of pple getting more and more worst.. always come out so late.. then xiao didi always take cab hm... hahaa.... :P next week, they planning to eat international buffet...

erm... from the first day of CNY, my eyelid been blinking.... today it is getting worst....wat does tat means??
mum's birthday is round the corner while i still have no idea wat to get for her.. sian...