Sunday, March 12, 2006

erm.. this week...quite ok, not like wat i expected but there are times i am still blur blur.... lol... :P guess my brain had been stop functioning.. now need to get my brain to wake up, wake up...

friday, i went to have a drink at balcony with my friends... was pretty nt bad.. but maybe i felt a bit bored or bcos i dun like to sit on high chairs.. or maybe i prefer it to have a live band... hehee...

sat, went to IT fair.. heheee..spent quite a lot bcos i bought myself a LCD... lol... guess changing of phone must postpone le.. otherwise this mth, i am broke....

hehee...later going to catch shaggy doggy... lol... :P


chou gary...told me he will tell me the story but idiot.. never tell me..hai~~~~~
HE GOT A GF LE!!!! Things getting more and more mystery... getting more and more blur... guess i am old le... But congras lah.. of cos i want to see how your girl girl looks like... lol.... :P next time u are dead... i will ask u more abt her.... bleahz... :P

hehee.. my gd friends seems like all at the suddenly all attached.. except yy,kaiwong,kelvin, soo yuan (i think he should be soon too le... ) :P
wo zhu fu ni meng... :)

yy u all must jia you.. faster find one also... heheee..

chou anton, suan me...said i am like a baby... .arg!!!!!!!!

ok... they all quite sweet.. consider luckily tat i gt this bunch of friends... :P

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