Tuesday, March 28, 2006

ytd met a quite gd friend for dinner.. he brought me to a cafe called miss clarity.. erm.. they food there nt bad.. and considered quite cheap. 1 set meal only cost $8.80..i told him a story between me and someone else who gave min this nickname.. seriously in the life of min, she met a lot of pple.. guess she give pple a mystery feelings, pple might said i know u too well.. i dunno whether is tat truth, bcos she herself dun even know who is she deep..

i met creater of min when i first entered poly... dun need to say.. everyone know abt him including my parents plus my cousins.. everyone known him as 'ATM', caring, super nice guy.. mum always nagged at me said i am too fierce towards him... hahaa.. of cos not to be surprise.. i got him and jil to help me when i am in first year poly... i can't deny both of them are good.. but maybe fate is fooling me.. i ended to like one of them.. of cos jil had bcome my jiefu but he and jiejie broke up last year le.. guess everyone are nt surprise by the ending of the story between min n him. hahaa... he got to know min personal life too.. the friends tat min always hang around.. though he did not meet them before.. of cos he got to know some of them also... both of them had put a full stop in story. guess he did left me a very sweet moments as well as the cold war which i hate it a lot..

i met my nanny when i lost my cousin.. supposely to meet them after work at cartel..i ended up with ester they all for drinking session.. of cos some other stuffs too(not very gd to mention them sia.. ) i had my supper at mr bean instead of ba chou mee at joo chiat.. Suppose to meet them when i reached home but i turned out to fly aeroplane.. therefore of cos i got the naggings and etc.. and kana sabo by them.. someone appearing at my back when i was talking on the phone.. though i am a bit drunk, i can still remember everything vividly. i told him i am going home to vomit.. guess tat time was ard 3 plus.. or 4 plus.. in the morning.. of cos once i reached home, i vomit out everything and took a bath.. finally back to bed.. guess i msg them before sleep bcos they are still playing daidee at downstair.. hahaa.. he defintely bcome a nice guy in my dictionary which is i never told him tat before.. guess tat will wat yy thinking abt.. though she never asked me abt... he helped me to print my resume when i am going for interview the day before.. therefore he got to know my school life.. guess he is nt the first one... someone before him actually edited my resume long time ago when resume suppose to be assignment.. delivery of prata during my chalet when i seeking help.. anyway he always on the way mah.. haha.. but of cos we waited for prata until we almost fall asleep..

maybe min is just a very innocent girl or in another way round she hopes to land into a fairy tale story.. guess the first person had teaches her a lesson.. when someone being so nice to u.. it doesn't mean anything.. just tat he is throwing his sypamthy towards u.. of cos.. she chose nt to have anything with the second guy.. bcos she know he is a very nice guy.. (hahaa.. guess it should be another way.. the guy won't fall her.. bcos she is like pocupine (who hurts pple when pple touches her).. )

while another bunch of pple who will going to be my colleagues.. not to mention my two bosses from different company.. i might considered myself lucky tat i landed up in this team. they are a bunch of happening guys and girls plus very energetic.. they did give me the forces to go back to work and trying to make myself stronger.. thank you everyone..

seriously min considered herself very lucky.. she always got someone to help her or pull her up when she at her down side of life.. last time ester they all to help her to relieve stress after school.. of cos the negative side was to take cab from toa payoh back to home.. now.. she will try to walk alone in the further of her story...

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