Monday, March 27, 2006

can said tat min had lose herself in this incident.. seriously it come too suddenly tat min can't even react to the reality..

i shall contiune my story from here... last thursday, we sent him thru his last journey. we followed the traditional chinese custom, he was ceremated instead of buried.. we wore socks on our feet and walked all the way to parkway parade.. then we boarded a bus to mandai... first reached mandai, my feeling was "WOW, so high tech sia.." The atmosphere changed immediately.. we proceeded to hall 3.. they even had notice to inform pple who will be using the hall.. the priest conducted his last ceremony before the coffin is heading to ceremate room.. after that we headed to viewing gallery to see grandpa for the very last time.. when the coffin was on the machine slowly moving.. we all burst into tears and kept calling our grandfather or father.. the door closed.. while there is a crazy guy took a pic of wat happened in the room.. i wondering is he crazy.. can't he see tat all of us are down.. that is nt the right moment to take pic.. everyone collasped at the moment when we proceed out of the viewing hall.. everyone cried... we removed our socks and 'dai xiao'... wear back our slippers and board the bus back to grandma's house.. she did not follow us to mandai..... we had our lunch there.. everyone of us had to use "flower water" to wash our face and hair. after tat use scissor to cut away part of our hair.. after tat, we went up to grandma's house.. of cos bills defintely come after next.. the most scarely thing is tat i dunno a funeral cost tat much.. it is like a bomb... total expense = ard 31K.. omg.. only five days... hai~~~ guess it is just a respect from them to their father..

today is my grandpa's birthday.. on sat, i went over to granny's house.. she mentioning tat grandpa actually planned to have steamboat this coming weekend.. but everything is too late.. he had already gone to somewhere far away from us... when i am small, we always go east coast udmc seafood there for dinner whenever grandpa or grandma celebrating mother's day or father's day or birthday.. now.. last year, we went to bedok there for dinner.. my cousin bought a cake for him on tat day.. tat day was the first time tat we had cake during birthday celebration..

life is always full of turning point.. my grandpa did actually help me to turn my point of life.. during PSLE tat year, i actually fall sick during PSLE period.. never expect to go to which stream or which seconday schools.. i got into my fourth choice which is BN.. dun ask me why i choose there.. i dun even know.. my parents started to get worry and they decided to get me out of there and changed to the sec school which is nearer to me.. actually my application was being rejected.. but somehow he got me into tat seconday school.. and my life changes from tat moment.. i got to know the bunch of buddies.. (though i admit they are really very guai.. ) i got edusave every year.. (this is a surprise bcos i dun study hard..) if without him, i would be able to know this bunch of friends.. or maybe my life will turn out another way..

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