Tuesday, March 07, 2006

caught a korean movie today... i realise that it had a very sweet plot. erm.. wat it came across my mind was "when will i have such a sweet ending of relationship?" min never learnt to cherish things ard her... only when the very last min or when things started to disappear in her life... seriously life do give me a very big impact... saw things between jiefu and jiejie... are u all still friends?? guess nope ba.. seems like nothing maintaining the same, just me standing alone in the rain.. hoping tat things dun change.. things will be always the same.. who dun like to be shower with pamper and care.. just tat the person who shower u with pamper and care, is he the right one? is he the one u looking for? nobody knows it only at the moment u decided to proceed to another stage with him ba.. as for me, i can't even overcome the barrier of the death.. how can i overcome the rest.. a bit feel discomfortable as i do not know when the worst is occuring. Everyday been living in mystery, i will never know wat is happening next. guess i am sick and tired of this kind of life...

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