Sunday, March 19, 2006

friday.. though i was falling sick, i still went to work... though i got mc, i never submit.. i was struggling with my work and my tears dropped.. jialat.. guess maybe when i am sick, i am very emotional.. after work, i went marina bay to find yy they all for steamboat.. then after tat, we headed home..

saturday...feel so sick.. but i took medicine... during afternoon, grandpa admitted hospital... as all of us know, he had already reached the last stage of cancer... when i saw him tat day, he had already lost all his strength... he can't walk anymore.. bounded to the bed... he had a full dinner tat nite.. he was so pale..

sunday.. he passed away in the morning le... ard 10 plus.. when hospital called my dad, they told him faster come and see him for the last time.. when i woke up, is already 1... then we rushed down to my granny's house... they just came back from hospital, everyone cried until very jialat... the funniest thing is i never dropped a tear.. but i just feel very stunned.. been shivering for the whole day... a lot of us, still couldn't react to wat the reality had hitted us. my dad cried.... he always very respect his father.. now he passed away.. guess it is a very big blow for him.. the only thing now i can do is to look after my parents...

tomorrow will be going back to office to apply for leave.. guess tuesday will be back to work.. then wednesday n thursday take leave again..

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