Sunday, March 05, 2006

as for next week... my colleague going for reservice.. things started to come towards me... hahaa... i am like a newborn baby.. i dunno anything... i planned to revise everything tomorrow... will tat be possible?

monday... fall sick.... on mc..
tuesday... supposely to be on mc.. but bcos they going bbq... i chose to go to work of BBQ... hahaa.. but gastric did nt stop me from eating... guess wat is to eat medicine... lol.. and i drink.... but when i reached hm... omg...gastric starts to give me problem...
wednesday... nthing much happened... went back hm ard 8 plus... bcos of ****** (my company's name) superstart... my colleague partcipate in the competition.. no choice lah... must support mah... guess my team is super happening sia... but i nt really tat close with my colleagues..
thursday... actually my colleague they all planning to have paris international buffet at nite... but had cancelled it due to one of them need to work late... erm... ended up i worked late too.. no choice... got to eat medicine to tahan liao... and my colleague starts to hand over things to me.. (omg.. tmr neeed to revise le.. otherwise my short-term memory will starts to forget things... )
friday...actually wanted to meet kelvin,yy and winston they all... but felt very tired... bcos of thursday late nite... therefore i headed hm to sleep... lol... :P
saturday... met my friend for shopping, movie spree... shit... i m spending a lot today... i had japanese ice-cream today..yummy... is a new shop open at marina square.. joyce caught me at ms but guess my eyes got problem lah... i didn't see her at all... guess she must be there with her boiboi... i actually dated xiao didi out for sashimi... lol.. :P yy said tat someone is addicted to be frank, my gastric can't take take spicy and too acidic stuffs.. but i am still having it... lol..guess one day, i will fall sick soon.... i took cab after i left orchard... guess wat... the guys are bullying me... they said i was late for an hour.. erm..

Time : 9pm
Venue : Parkway

Time tat i reached
Time: 10pm
Venue : Parkway, Mos burger...

omg... start to get nagging (predicted) sob sob.. my heels spolit le... yy even more worst than me.. she reached there at 10.45.. i guess this bunch of pple getting more and more worst.. always come out so late.. then xiao didi always take cab hm... hahaa.... :P next week, they planning to eat international buffet...

erm... from the first day of CNY, my eyelid been blinking.... today it is getting worst....wat does tat means??
mum's birthday is round the corner while i still have no idea wat to get for her.. sian...

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