Tuesday, March 07, 2006

monday was down...hai~~~ sad sia... morning already feel very giddy but never expect a lunch at japanese resturant made me felt worst.. vomitted all the food i ate.. hai~~~guess my brain had stopped at the point when i vomitted twice.. trying to act strong but nothing seems to work... at the end, finally asked my reporting officer for urgent leave and took cab to see doctor...

doctor : "How are u feeling today?"
min : "I vomitted twice today?"
doctor : "HAR!!!!!!!!! Are you pregnant???"
min : "OMG!!! No no!!! just tat my gastric is too acidic for the past one week"
doctor : "oic, let me have do a check up for u. Don't eat spicy, oily food.. Best is to eat kuay teow soup or plain porridge."
doctor : "Why u come so late to see doctor?"
min : "bcos i work.... "
doctor : "ok... i give u two days of mc. Take a gd rest at hm"
min : "ok... thanks doctor"

I stepped out of the room and walked to the pharmacy to drop my prescription. While waiting at the counter to make payment. I saw the MC and was written as TEO XXXX XXXX.. OMG!!!! Luckily i never blur blur and leave the clinic. I went back to ROOM 13, knock at the door and inform her tat she give me a wrong mc. wat she said is sorry and reprint my mc.. heng.. never submit to my head, otherwise i will ask for questioning le. Actually wanted to ask whether did she gave me the wrong medicine but in the end i forget abt it.. while making payment at the counter, the counter lady kept complaining that she couldn't see well at the screen... doh...

** Next time when u go polyclinic to see doctor, though it is cheaper and it takes u abt 1 hour to see doctor. REMEMBER to check your receipt, MC and medicines carefully!! in case the doctor makes a mistake...

When i am in office, kim came down and visit.. i feel so touched.. thanks.. wo ai si ni le.... :)

actually this weekend, planning to have buffet with them but guess i will nt go... dun really feel like eating much nowadays... but this weekend, i want to go IT fair... who want to pei wo go?? guess nobody ba.. maybe i go alone.. hahaha... :P impossible... min nt tat independent.. is either she find someone to go with her or she will never go alone.. lol.. :P

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