Monday, August 30, 2004

erm... it has been a long time that i ever sit at the void deck there to XxXXxXx .. duno why.. should my mood back to normal or turn worst... hai~~~ imagine it had been two years ago that what had happened... before i enter poly... i went to hospital to visit her before.. and i even accompany her to hospital.. now again.. she is back to hospital.. i wondering maybe i am a jinx.. things happened all in a row.. i wondering what going to happen next.. among all my friends.. 2 of them fall sick... i dunno what will happen tomorrow... i am going to visit her tomorrow.. when i reached there, i saw her lying on the bed... will i cry.. or just be back normally.... remember tat time when i saw Gina in hospital.. lying there motionlessly... i was so scared.. and i burst into tears... i called up.. ks and korkor but both of them never pick up.. in the end... i called up.. ky.. haha... he asked me wat happened.. but i also dunno wat to says.. will i cry tomorrow?? or i will treat as nothing happen?? nowadays my tears been dropping down so often... but i still dun feel numb.. maybe i really want to find a hole to hide liao...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger. Been looking around for some information to help me on my hospital bills. A friend told me your blog on this post might be of some help. Need to find out more information concerning This blog does not seem to be the best of places...but no harm done in trying. Great blog though! I'll have to check you all out later. Take care!