Tuesday, December 28, 2004

hohoho.. .M3rry chrstmas... so fast.. another one week gone.. ths w33k is qut3 buzy f0r m3.. bc0s n33d to g3t s0m3 cl0thing before att3ndng my c0usn w3dding.. hehe.. erm.. this wh0l3 w33k been d0ng qut3 a lot of things.. had my chrstmas at w3st c0ast park.. aft3r tat.. drank a cup of r3d wne at 3 plus.. end up.. very tred and a bt drunk.. lolo.. th3 n3xt day, my beauty sl33p got interrupted hp ringing... sian arh.. got up early and went over to my cousin's house.. after tat reaches home ard 2 plus... actually wanted to sl33p th3n at nte can go out.. but ended up.. took a nap at 4 plus... 7 plus... hp rings agan.. got to wake up and went out to m33t my cousn..actually suppose to m33t k3vin th3y all to help him celebrate his birthday but.. cousin ask me out.. cannot says no mah.. so went out with cousin instead of them.. sorry arh.. tat day went to orchard for shopping... hehe.. bought a shawl... a jacket... gym pants... and a t-shirt from fox.. diao.. spent 60 bucks.. tat day still went to eat creepes... diao.. spent abt 80 bucks.. really broke sia.. left orchard ard 12... when i reached pp, i went to m33t s0m3on3 els3.. wanted to go to changi beach.. on the way.. we got lose.. turning round n round.. but we still manage to reach there.. quite enjoy myself over th3r3,... thanks f0r hs und3rstanding wor...
Actually on sunday, i suppose to go tree top walk but was dann shag... bcos the day before i slept at 4plus.. although i can wake up.. but i really very tired... maybe bcos due to... didn't sleep well for the past 2 days ba.... so at nite went ou with mum to buy clothes.. again.. spent money.. hai~~~ Today went out with friends.. luckily never buy anything.. haha..

alamak.. forget s0m3thing.. on the 23 of dec3mb3r... i saw a blur blur guy at giant.. hehe.. he is so cut3 arh...l00kng h3r3 n th3r3... gu3ss wh0 s tat... the p3rs0n is my tian tian... haha.. :P but i never go over and says hi to him...

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