Friday, December 31, 2004

this is the first time i going to write a conclusion for wat i done for this year.. let me see i had fall down hw many times before the arrival of a new year...

Happiest moments:
i don't know whether i got happy moments.. at least i still a few friends celebrate with me on my birthday eve.. thanks.. really sweet of them.. even though tat time is exams period for most of us... second should be attend er-jie's wedding.. finally know tat all of us had grown up.. third.. should be going to get my bursary soon..

Saddiest moments
thanks to my 3 closest friend in poly.. there was a period.. i really down.. and helpless.. they were the ones who cheer me up.. thanks pals.. tat time.. a silly girl went to airport almost everyday.. looking at the planes.. tears rolls down.. cannot imagine things happen so fast.. she sat down at the cafe wanted to study.. but she jus couldn't make it.. send a sms out.. she told herself.. she will not regret for wat she had done.. but in the end.. she still regret.. jus trying to act strong.. that was how i lose a very close guy friend...

maybe i not good at words nor handling friendship ba.. i lose another close guy friend also... during december, he was being admitted to hospital due to accident.. i went to the hospital to visit him.. while he was changing bed to go for operation.. i left... his relatives and friends were there.. the next day morning.. he called me.. saying he was very unhappy ... and dun want to see me anymore.. a sentence i can says is... i cry again.... i really plucked my courage to go hospital to see you...... do u know how long had i been wandering outside the ward before i dare to go in.. i am not tat strong like wat u tot.. bcos of wat your friends's says... u tell me those.. u know wat i tot of tat reminds me of him.... but it also my fault.. shouldn't jus walk away, i should have stand beside u.. why am i so silly...

wow.. another guy again... but tat was someone special... be frank.. if can i rather dun want to keep a secret... so torturing... this secret had to be kept till the day my granny passaway... it was a big impact for everyone of us... at first.. i really can't accept it.. almost every nite, tears rolling down my cheeks.. last year was the last time i saw u.. u offered me cookie and cream ice-cream.. i like it a lot.. from that moment onwards... i always wanted to eat cookies and cream ice-cream but it taste so different.. tat day went to the airport... feeling was different.. everyone of us.. still couldn't wat had happened.. i bcome more dong shi... but this was an act.. u know how i study for exams.. how to force myself to stay awake thru whole nite.. the method is: "I promise korkor.. i will study hard.. and not let him disappointed" whenever i wanted to give up.. this is the sentence i tell myself.. yeah~i got good results.. so wat.. he had already left me... so this year.. i jus had a simple birthday...

although me and the first guy are still friends but not tat close anymore.. he says i am very emotional.. i admit tat ba.. i cry whenever tears roll down my cheeks... hereby..i wish to thanks a few persons... 3 ba po(erm.. should know who are u all liao..).. hehe.. :P jiefu & jiejie... yy... tian tian... thank you for the comfort during that period when i am down... really surprise abt tat.. always ask me dun think so much..

hopefully this coming year.. i will have more peace... and happiness....

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