Wednesday, December 08, 2004

today went down to NUH to see wat happened to my korkor... never knew that this kind of thing will happen.. to me he is always strong and healthy guy... erm... korkor treats me not bad... sometimes always gave me surprises... knew him for 8 years liao ba..... last time always go to broadbrick to have my technical lesson... slowly... get to know him thru friends... he also knows my friends... there are times he come to school and find me... i will be the one trying to hide or runaway... haha.... last year korkor very sweet wor... bought me a cake and a bag.......... n delivery to me......... at nite, he asked me to go down and celebrate my birthday with me... hehe.. :P this few years no matter i been thru wat... he is the one who will always keep me accompany and guide me thru out the problems.... really very hard to believe that he entered hospital.. i tot he must be kidding with me....when i was on my way walking to the wards.. i feel like i am dragging myself... why arh... bcos i scare to go hospital... luckily is dad sent me over... and wait for me at the carpark.... when i am sec 4, i been to NUH before too.... my uncle was being sent over due to cancer... he stayed there for almost 2 weeks or more... still remember the day he discharged... he need two person at his side to hold on to him... he looks extremely pale and weak... wondering why i am scare to go hospital... i dun wish to see my beloved ones to lie on the back and suffering.. last year... i saw my cousin.. he dropped his hairs... everyday he was taking injection... no appetite to eat... and i lost him.... he went away... this is the fact tat i couldn't deny.. when i having exams... i will not disappoint him... i might get the best result i have in my entire poly life... but he is not going to come back anymore... my aunt was very sad over this matter... she will be coming back this weekend... this christmas n new year won't be the same again...

korkor lying on the bed.... when the moment i reached there... he is abt time to go for operation... i leave first bcos dad nt free.. there is a bery silly girl... she stand outside the ward walking here and there and dun dare to go in.... till the moment she asked the nurse... wat's the name of the patient and the bed is at which corner.. 20 years of life... quite unpredictable... been to numerous of hospital to visit different pple... never expect to visit someone who always care for me and strong guy.... really very stunned... and let me recalled back the past.... how uncle struggling to survive... how my cousin trying his best to struggle but he still left us... if there is a wish for me... i wish that u will survive... shulin jiejie always been very quiet... i wondering 1 year i never saw her liao.. how was she... did she overcome the heartache she had....... i would rather have my korkor there quarrel with me and argue with me... wat abt you??

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