Monday, December 06, 2004

today went out with one of my secondary school friends... so long never see her leh.. ask her out for dinner... i went to try out the new christmas pizza... wow.. so big... both of us ate until very full.... next to our table, there is a very cute baby.... she keeps looking at us while she eating.. so lovely... my friend asked me faster go and have one myself... i says not tat easy.... hahaa... she ask me got bf or not.. erm... today much more special... i answer with a yes and a no too.. i also dunno whether i got a bf or not... he read my blog jus now in the afternoon.. he asked me a question.. u still think of him arh.. erm.. i duno how to answer... at tampines.... let me think louis that bunch of friends.... haha... duno why..... quite miss them... in a sense that most of them are happy go lucky... quarrel in a while... the next moment everything is fine.. let me choose.... i want TIAN TIAN... he the best.... lalalalala... :P the one who scare i cry..... that day when i hurt my back.... i called him when i reached home.... i kept crying bcos it is so painful..... he very scare... haha... keep saying.. i accompany u go see doctor want or not.... Tian tian u the best.... at least being with u... i feel much more happier.... lolo.... when he saw this... he will kill me... or says bu yao hai wo arh......

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