Monday, December 20, 2004

yohoo... 4 more days to christmas... this will also be the first time tat me n my ........... will be exchanging present.. lolo... surprising right... stunned right... never told anyone of this infor... only told my cousins... but we will not be meeting each other on that day.... he will joining his friends while me leh... maybe stay at home or wait until my friends decided where they want to go or maybe they got other programs..he asked me to join them... but i insist of dun want... although i saw his friends before.... u know hor.. sotong do makes mistake often... i mistaken a guy as a girl... die arh.... anyway i not going... die die also canot force me to go attend anything function with me.......

last week... leg started to get pain.... after sat going with them... it seems like getting worst... imagine.... from PS to esplande to boat quay then to clarke quay... but i did enjoy the day.. we went to secret receipe... i know i had laughing all the way... my friend why i keep laughing.. till 9 plus... i become more and more quiet.... waiting for a phonecall but it never comes at all...... so disappointed.. but forget it... he quite dotes me wor.. shouldn't think for too much... no more nonesense from me.. jiefu told me dun make things complicated arh.... lolo... xiang tong le.. ......... should be the one i care not other pple... i will learn how to cherish you... u must do that to be wor... arbo break hor.... hehee... :P

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