Wednesday, December 29, 2004

on sunday, tidal waves hit number of countries... like thailand(phucket), sri lanka , india, sumantra, malaysia(Penang) n others.. now tons of pple are raising money for them.. a lot of pple pass away... this remind me of someone who i buried deep down in my heart... maybe when someone stepped out of your lives... u will hardly forget them ba.. or maybe is just tat i am very stubborn.. and dun want to let go.. i really trying my best.. my best to forget everything.. my best to start all over again.. but it seems to be so hard.. in april.. i will be going to graduate if my FYP went on smoothly.. hope to try my luck and apply for university.. if can.. i hope to get in... if can't .. then look for jobs first ba..

silly receive a christmas card.. really very surprise that he will send me a christmas card.. this few years... this friend had always be there for me.. but he like to suan me.. hehe... treat me nt bad.. still can remember years ago.. he send me a valentine day card... bcos he knows i dun have present mah.. so send me a card to cheer me up.. hehe.. quite sweet of him.. friend.. of cos treat u as gd friend....

maybe tomorrow will do a conclusion of wat i had done this year... i guess i lose more than i gain.. lose so many things that hurt me.... let me burried my hatchet deep inside my heart... bcos u will always be living inside me.. thank you for your support.. if without u... maybe silly gal also won't be here now. on my way of life.. u really help us a lot.. xie xie ni... let me cry one more day for you ba...

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